new in here

Originally posted by Crack Hitler
She's just pure annoying, can't explain it better. In still pictures I can tolerate her so-so. Plus she hasn't done that many decent movies either.
Hm, dunno - she has a few decent movies...but i think she has something like aural shining that not many people have - that's what i like in her - not her figure or woman features...
I'm new to this forum, I first heard of anathema by a friend, I bought "judgement", I was wondering how good is this album in contrast with the rest?, anyway, hello to all metal fans out there.
Originally posted by _Cha0s_
I'm new to this forum, I first heard of anathema by a friend, I bought "judgement", I was wondering how good is this album in contrast with the rest?, anyway, hello to all metal fans out there.

don't fuck with us, all metal fans, aargh! :lol: ;)
Yeah Judgement is my favourite, along with Alternative 4!
A4 is darker, kind of spooky... so it is for Eternity. Silent Enigma is damn heavy, one of the greatest doommetalreleases! so is Serenades! Their last album has nothing to do with metal anymore. It's very emotional rock, depressive sometimes, what makes it great! HAIL:notworthy :notworthy :notworthy


:lol: @ Duncs avatar!
If you do not own A4 you should be executed! It's a shame not having the best album ever created by humans....
All I've heard form anathema are all the songs i download from the net, I live in a city with a population of 20 million ppl and eventhough i've searched everywhere i cant find any original anathema cd. If there is anyone from mexico city i'd want to know where to get it.
Originally posted by _Cha0s_
All I've heard form anathema are all the songs i download from the net, I live in a city with a population of 20 million ppl and eventhough i've searched everywhere i cant find any original anathema cd. If there is anyone from mexico city i'd want to know where to get it.

If you can't find it, order it! There's a decent metalshop near yous? with helpful people working in it? They'll help you out.... You may have to wait a bit, but nothing is unavailable...