New Info: Martin Lopez on his involvement with upcoming Death tribute

Plague Witch

Oct 22, 2002
Pacific Northwest, USA
The following is an excerpt from an interview I conducted with Martin last Fri. for . Watch the site in the next week for the full interview.

KNAC.COM: I just read something on just the other day about you having talked to James Murphy when you were in Tampa about possibly participating on the upcoming Death Tribute cd that he’s been working on. Is that true?

Martin: Yeah, actually he asked me something about-he told me they were doing that and he asked me if I was interested, and you know I am a Death fan-HUGE-Death is one of my top 3 favorite bands. So of course you get flattered. I mean, James Murphy was an idol for me when I was a kid and he made a lot of great, important albums-for me, anyway. So yeah, I was flattered, and I’m gonna try to get the time worked out to record those.

KNAC.COM: That’s great, because not only are you giving a lot of attention to such an influential band like Death and the work that Chuck Schuldiner did, but also this goes to James Murphy and the cancer that he’s fighting, so that’s another excellent reason why this is such a special project.

Martin: And the other thing is just playing with him for me is a great thing.

KNAC.COM: Playing with a hero.

Martin: Yeah, with fucking James Murphy! * laughs*

KNAC.COM: Are there any specific songs that you hope to be able to play on?

Martin: He told me to just to pick a song, and I got so many favorites I don’t know if wanna do something from Individual [Thought Patterns] or Symbolic or to go for one of the old albums you know, it’s like, “Aaah!” I don’t know which one to pick. *laughs *