New Intense Site ...

Hi Triskele, thanks for the feedback.

To be honest, the reason the Biog is like that is because we needed the PDF format for people to download and print (e.g. promoters etc. that want a 1-page "this is Intense in a nutshell) - and I didn't want to have to maintain 2 separate versions each time it changes. That's kind of the rationale behind the lack of backgrounds etc. too - it generally produces a more readable printed version if you keep it simple.

Still - maybe if I get bored one day and my pile of Intense-related things to do dwindles (hah!) then I'll do an HTML version too...!
Hi Nick,

Forgot to say - please can whoever does the ordering get girly skinny fit T-shirts when you do the merch for the new album. Some of us are more along the size of Keira Knightly and look swamped in blokes t-shirts. Unless the voluminous tent look appeals of course.

And, can Sean please check if I'm on the mailing list. I don't know if there haven't been any emails or I never made the list. Ta muchly.

Belinda x
Actually, Sean can't check if you're on the mailing list because I haven't showed him how to do that yet!! But I checked, and you're not on there at the moment. That could be because you signed up early on - when there was actually a glitch in that page which made it look like everything was working when in fact it was doing... Oh, what's that other thing... *Not* working at all. Er, yeah - that was it. :rolleyes:

Could you try signing up again and let me know when you have, and I'll check whether or not it's working properly now!

(FYI, there haven't been any mailings to the list in any case as far as I know.)


EDIT: Ah, could be some confusion - as Sean still had his original mail list unbeknown to me! Hah, talk about band communication!! (I just assumed it was referring to the one on site since that's what this thread was about.) Anyway, he said everyone should sign up to the new one on the web site now in any case :)