RUSSELL: So far people love it. You know you have these real savvy internet guys who downloaded it ahead of time and said “O it’s a little too heavy” or “I wish it was more like “V” and after a while when they go back and give it another couple listens they dig it. In this day in age people rush to judgment and don’t take the time to listen to it. They don’t have enough experience in this business to know that once you go to print you better make sure you are happy with what you are saying. But the majority of people are happy with it and then you have others that know nothing about what they are reviewing and say something dumb like “o now these guys are trying to be trendy” and I’m like, “trendy”? We couldn’t be trendy if we wanted to. I mean if the record blows up and becomes successful it wouldn’t be because we were trying to be trendy. But the press has been really great so far I mean you are only like my tenth interview so we have to see.