new interview

Awesome, I will wait to see where you guys are playing. Although doesn't matter to me in the sense that I'm too poor to afford a trip to Europe so... but I'm still curious!
Sorry, but you will have to wait till Friday for the info since the venue will release news then (but I can say you will have plenty of time for planning a trip). BTW - I'm working on getting the original files for our website in order to keep that updated.
I can wait till friday :lol:

I shouldn't be getting my hopes up but I keep hoping it's Chicago Powerfest. They said one of the four remaining unnanounced bands uses a keyboard and is potentially black/folk metal. Not that Borky is folk metal I hate it when people say they are. And CPF is supposed to announce the bands soon. I wish it was Borky but I'm sure I'm wrong. I don't wanna miss Borky. :cry: Damn me for quitting my job and spending the remaining money on a flute.
^Even still, as much as I love the band, I'm not that willing to blow the little savings I have on a plane ticket to Europe, a place in which most places the currency is worth almost twice ours, to see the Borknadales. I could maybe rustle up the money for the plane ticket but that would be like, ALL my savings. I'm not that much of a fanatic :p I'm just a big fan. Hopefully they will come to North American soon, after the new album is out or whatever. One can only dream.

I shouldn't be getting my hopes up but I keep hoping it's Chicago Powerfest. Damn me for quitting my job and spending the remaining money on a flute.

I didn't even think of that.

That would be really great - a show I could actually travel to, in a city I really like, and I could see friends there! And then see family 'up nort' in Milwaukee!

And don't regret spending money on a flute. Music is always a treasured thing.
Sorry, but you will have to wait till Friday for the info since the venue will release news then (but I can say you will have plenty of time for planning a trip). BTW - I'm working on getting the original files for our website in order to keep that updated.

I have a bad idea it will clash with one of my vacations during April and May, but I'll see what I can do if that happens. Seeing Borknagar live is a bigger priority for me than just taking a holiday :P

Arg, Friday, can't wait <3
^:lol: I don't even have close to enough money... that is if I had to fly to Europe :p How about you share some with me :p?

But in all likelihood, I don't see them jumping on a plane to play their first live gig in ages, unless they were offered a lot of money. I'm thinking they will play a show somewhere in Norway, if not then definitely in Europe.... although I hope to god I'm wrong. XD I see them coming to Canada someday, just not anytime in the immediate future.
Please tour the UK?
Heh. I've been waiting for that for many years, and although it looked like it might happen at one point, I'm still waiting. Depending on timing, I'm considering just going to Oslo. Flights are pretty cheap these days[1], and it doesn't look like I'm going to get to see the band any other way...

[1] Ryanair are OK, but they fly to an airport that's nowhere near Oslo itself. I used Norwegian Air Shuttle last time I went, who are a little more expensive, but they fly straight to Gardermoen.
Heh. I've been waiting for that for many years, and although it looked like it might happen at one point, I'm still waiting. Depending on timing, I'm considering just going to Oslo. Flights are pretty cheap these days[1], and it doesn't look like I'm going to get to see the band any other way...

[1] Ryanair are OK, but they fly to an airport that's nowhere near Oslo itself. I used Norwegian Air Shuttle last time I went, who are a little more expensive, but they fly straight to Gardermoen.

Depends where you're flying from. You can get a megabus to London for around £6 anyway, there they should have direct flights to Oslo. My main plan is to just get a direct flight from Liverpool to Oslo, attend the gig and then sleep on the streets all night. Then catch a flight the following day, they're usually around midday I think.

I have a horrible feeling it's going to be them playing at Inferno fest or something, in which case I couldn't attend.
I'm thinking it's going to be on Mars this time. Mars, as in the planet.

Mr. V is busily running through the calculations for the orbital trajectories and re-entry sequences in between classes, while the rest of the band tries to rent out part of a Space Shuttle and/or brainstorm ways to make orange spacesuits really metal. Funding will come from Asgeir's poker winnings - no, don't call that bluff!
Sorry, but you will have to wait till Friday for the info since the venue will release news then (but I can say you will have plenty of time for planning a trip). BTW - I'm working on getting the original files for our website in order to keep that updated.

haha great to see to much speculation about where they're going to play!
I suspect it's gonna be a one-off gig at Rockefeller, Oslo.

just two more days until the moment of truth :goggly: