I dig the 7 string Dinky, not so sure about the DiMarzios...
2 replies 134 views, fucking fantastic
This guitar is the best thing Jackson has ever created
Ya man, such an awesome guitar. Got it from www.drumcityguitarland.com
Picked the whole setup out.
Lol, you need a RocktronV300 and we'll have all the same shit
I'd love an ENGL or a Fryette, but why? I dont play in any bands... I live in this shithole without original music.
I have too much gear as it is. lol
I should sell my XXX, but whatever
The lack of presence and resonance controls on the triple XXX makes me want a 6505 instead, ill have to play both at a store, only played them separately.
You're stupid, who the fuck would play a loose ass amp like the 6505 for ultra-tight tech-death tones? You should just quit playing now.