New Jackson Guitars Website

Lithium said:
Ibanez fucking sucks.

Squier Bullet > Ibanez
no they dont suck
it's just that jacksons are ways better... hmm my 2nd choose is ibanez
^No man
The Ibanez' I've played in music shops (like 3 of em in my whole life, cos I'm lucky if I find a lefty) really played like sh1t.....but then again they probably were low end crappy modelz....
^ that may be... just try to find a good one... they're very good for fast playing but i dont like the pickups, hardware,... they put in it.. but jacksons are better to play ;)
Rofl I've played one lefty Jackson.....can remember wich one but you know it was like a superstrat, played c00l
Doenst work....

I have a fender mex strat.

Pwnz imo, but just not tr00 m3t4l........21 frets and singlecoils....
I'll have the bridge SC replaced with something better soon

And I'm changing the white pickguard for a black one...
uhh.. i couldnt play with such a neck/fingerboard.. it's like glue ;)

reconnect on msn plz