New JEFF SCOTT SOTO will be hard rocking...

This album is alright, but nothing I can't live with. The music sounds generic and I wish that Jeff would start pushing his voice a tad bit more. Both JSS and Zak Stevens need to step it up, vocally,now that I think of it. They're two of my favorites, but they're getting a little lazy when it comes to their craft IMO.

I have to say, Damage Control is kinda boring. I mean, the dude is an amazing singer. I love what he did w/ Yngwie and Talisman and the W.E.T. album he did a couple years back is brilliant!! But this newest solo album is a little on the tired side. It doesn't come off very energetic or passionate at all. It's melodic, and he sings well...but it has no punch, IMO. The W.E.T. album is much better.
I have to say, Damage Control is kinda boring. I mean, the dude is an amazing singer. I love what he did w/ Yngwie and Talisman and the W.E.T. album he did a couple years back is brilliant!! But this newest solo album is a little on the tired side. It doesn't come off very energetic or passionate at all. It's melodic, and he sings well...but it has no punch, IMO. The W.E.T. album is much better.

Interesting. I thought it was his strongest solo album overall.
I have to say, Damage Control is kinda boring. I mean, the dude is an amazing singer. I love what he did w/ Yngwie and Talisman and the W.E.T. album he did a couple years back is brilliant!! But this newest solo album is a little on the tired side. It doesn't come off very energetic or passionate at all. It's melodic, and he sings well...but it has no punch, IMO. The W.E.T. album is much better.

I think Damage Control is one of his best albums (save for a couple songs I like less), and I enjoy it a lot more than W.E.T., which is overall too "light" for me.