New Jimi Hendrix!??

i think it's not actually going to be REAL hendrix cuz if its was then they would've released way before now since he died in the 60s

Actually September 18, 1970. Same year Janis Joplin died, The Beatles split, Deep Purple released "In Rock", Black Sabbath self-titled debut album, etc.

Quite an agitated year for rock.
i think it's not actually going to be REAL hendrix cuz if its was then they would've released way before now since he died in the 60s

yes it is. i've heard most of this album now. its just alternate takes of already released tunes and a few extended jams that they chopped and made into songs
So is this Valleys of Neptune and "new" song or not ?

I know the answer anyhow I suppose. I remember when we got all excited about Crash Landing and Midnight Lightning and then the feel of the disappointment. It was like grasping at straws, we had heard all he had ready and that was that.
So is this Valleys of Neptune and "new" song or not ?

I know the answer anyhow I suppose. I remember when we got all excited about Crash Landing and Midnight Lightning and then the feel of the disappointment. It was like grasping at straws, we had heard all he had ready and that was that.

its a new "song" but what it really is they took a bunch of takes of him working on the tune and cobbled together a song from it.
I did read a little about it last night sounds like a little modern digital copy and paste ? So is it with vocals ?

I mentioned this on another sub-forum topic recently but anyone wishing to hear Hendrix improv at his most consistant best needs to have a copy of Hendrix Blues, its the best I have heard since any of his 3 studio albums but I havent heard them all. Outside of that get some early Trower or Mahogany Rush for an extension of the Hendrix vib.
I did read a little about it last night sounds like a little modern digital copy and paste ? So is it with vocals ?

I mentioned this on another sub-forum topic recently but anyone wishing to hear Hendrix improv at his most consistant best needs to have a copy of Hendrix Blues, its the best I have heard since any of his 3 studio albums but I havent heard them all. Outside of that get some early Trower or Mahogany Rush for an extension of the Hendrix vib.

yeah the copied and inserted vocals into certain places to give the song a feel of have a refrain/bridge. its not that bad really i would have liked the untouched version more though
its a new "song" but what it really is they took a bunch of takes of him working on the tune and cobbled together a song from it.

yeah the copied and inserted vocals into certain places to give the song a feel of have a refrain/bridge. its not that bad really i would have liked the untouched version more though
I don't think you read the article i posted/linked. Here is a highlight:

"Terrific, Raw Production, writes Greg Kot at The Chicago Tribune: "The tracks are blissfully free of the overdubs and other studio manipulations that mar many of his posthumous recordings. Instead, we get a you-are-there document of Hendrix in the last volatile days of his great power trio with bassist Noel Redding and drummer Mitch Mitchell, the Experience."
I don't think you read the article i posted/linked. Here is a highlight:

"Terrific, Raw Production, writes Greg Kot at The Chicago Tribune: "The tracks are blissfully free of the overdubs and other studio manipulations that mar many of his posthumous recordings. Instead, we get a you-are-there document of Hendrix in the last volatile days of his great power trio with bassist Noel Redding and drummer Mitch Mitchell, the Experience."

thats not true at all. it states directly in the booklet that 3 tunes have bass and drum overdubs from 1987. you can hear the edits in the title track where they messed with the vocals if you have a good enough ear for things like that. this link has the actual info from the booklet and you can see the 3 tracks with '87 overdubs are listed as well as 2 dates for the title track which is because they song is spliced together from 2 different sessions:
Frank's the most underrated guitarist probably ever. Plus, Flag at the Finish line just frigging rules. :kickass:

Not in my day he wasnt ;) we all knew who Frank was

Except for bits and pieces I've had played for me I mostly lost track of Frank after mid 70's. I saw Mahogany Rush somewhere around 77/78 but remember little. We liked him, recognized his talent and were happy for the music but we were sceptical about getting to excited at the same time due to his literally lifting many of Jimis near exact rhythmns, progressions and techniques and pieced them in a bits and pieces fashion. Then here a few years ago I finally revisited that stuff and followed the lyrics and came to believe he was actually writing about and honoring Hendrix

such as:
Well listen, someday
You'll hear a rush of wings
So distant, a sound of secret things
There, look there, up in that rusty sky
Yonder, sweeps the dragonfly
So awesome, he blocks the setting sun
He'll come to collect the souls of everyone
Come dragon, come
In from the sun

Strange Universe
May I kiss your breeze
Your beautiful statement reaches
beyond my lonely seas
Gently morning shines
it's rays of emotional decree
as my Gods voice speaks to me
of how it all must be
Silver beauty, shine on endlessly
mysterious knowledge, eternally
your music on a wave of light
inspires visions, of a silvery night
where trumpets sound your vast expanse
where I have walked in a dreamlike trance
Brainchild of God, you peacefully lie
and await the glory of the Kingdom of the Most High,
Forever may you sleep... peacefully...​

and I believe in "The King Who Stole the Universe" but I cant find those lyrics

Anyhow at that point I finally realized what he was actually doing and why and this changed my perspective of all the critisizm he recieved at the time because he did get slagged for being too plageristic (sp?). But it was entirely intentional and for a purpose of dedication and honor. I'd even say if he directly was a Hendrix wannabe he would have also slung a Strat but he chose an SG.
thats not true at all. it states directly in the booklet that 3 tunes have bass and drum overdubs from 1987. you can hear the edits in the title track where they messed with the vocals if you have a good enough ear for things like that. this link has the actual info from the booklet and you can see the 3 tracks with '87 overdubs are listed as well as 2 dates for the title track which is because they song is spliced together from 2 different sessions:

I just read that last night and thought they mentioned more than two different takes were recorded of that song, not that Im saying they said they used any specific ones, I was a little confused to tell the truth. I could read it again I suppose but Im tired and LAZY.
I just read that last night and thought they mentioned more than two different takes were recorded of that song, not that Im saying they said they used any specific ones, I was a little confused to tell the truth. I could read it again I suppose but Im tired and LAZY.

its still a great album but its far from overdub free. i've enjoyed all the releases the hendrix family has done. i don't see why people pull the milking his legacy card everytime a new product comes out. south saturn delta, the 2000 boxset and now this release are great. i listen to first rays of the new rising sun more than any other hendrix album