New Job For A Cowboy

Yeah, older JFAC had kind of samey, forgettable songs. Technically impressive but kind of boring musically. The last couple releases have gotten much better. Gloom (perhaps some of Ruination) and this newer stuff has a lot more groove and melody to it and isn't constantly changing before you have a chance to get into the parts being played. The leads are fucking awesome as they lend new life into the music.
definitely sounds like a step to the right direction. haven't heard anything past genesis, which was all and all too boring musically, but this sounds interesting.

jonny's vocals are still fucking sick, seriously if i was a vocalist, that is exactly what i'd want to sound like.
I disagree, never liked this band until now, and they also have Tony now which makes it more awesome, Sneapsters taking over!!
Congrats to Tony and no disrespek. But it's not my cup of noodles. I heard that JFAC changed their style after DOOM so drastically because they were tired of core kids copying their style. Can Tony or any other informed person confirm this?
+1 on the mix, only listening through quite shitty speakers, but man.. this kick is annoying oO
weird ass mix but defo one that will most likely grow on me. song is rockin'!

bass sounds sickkkkkk, but god damn I can't stand the high-end on that kick, at least not on my shitty 2.1 ref speakers
it sounds different & not typical but still punchy which is awesome

having a production outside the norm and helping to set it apart from whatever else might come out in the next few months can only be a good thing

quite a few people had shit to say about Mastadon's "Crack the Sky" when it 1st came out too