New kid on the Block?


Capsicum Slave
Feb 19, 2003
The Land of TAXES [SWE]
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So you bodomizers, what is the latest news on the ALE replacement? Or is that on ice, should Alexi and Roope decide to release another Sinergy record?

ps. Where does a pale Swede aquire cool COB stickers to stick on guitar case like massive poser?
roope is just a session player. they said somewhere that he is just helping them with their tours for the rest of the year.
thebigyetti said:
roope is just a session player. they said somewhere that he is just helping them with their tours for the rest of the year.
Yepp i picked that up, but there has to be word out on something? Is Sinergy releasing soon? What is ALE up too? My guess is that he might return... if his relationship faulters...

Anyway can't wait to find out who the new guitarist is going to be.