New Kiss Album

I agree that Eric and Tommy slay Peter and Ace, their skill levels are ten fold. I take issue to the scabs wearing the paint. This is Gene and Paul's doing....

Meh, I'd rather see them in paint at this point, although I haven't seen them without (except in DVD format).

I'd love for them to grab Kullick on guitar and do some Revenge tracks like Tough Love.
I'm still in Awe that this year we get new Sabbath with Dio, new Kiss, new Queensryche, New Armored Saint, the rumor mill has new Fates in store (we'll see), new Metallica and GNR was just late last year, new Dream Evil on the way, new Wolf..... God damn is this year shaping up to kick ass!!

Oh yeah and PPUSA as well. :)
I'm still in Awe that this year we get new Sabbath with Dio, new Kiss, new Queensryche, New Armored Saint, the rumor mill has new Fates in store (we'll see), new Metallica and GNR was just late last year, new Dream Evil on the way, new Wolf..... God damn is this year shaping up to kick ass!!

Oh yeah and PPUSA as well. :)

new dream theater too. where did you hear the rumor of a new fates warning album? plus supposedly a new megadeth, ZZ TOP, living colour and flotsam and jetsam
Revenge was one of my favorites, Sixxswine! Heart of Chrome is one of their heaviest songs! There's not a throwaway track on that album!

I can't recall Heart of Chrome from memory. I absolutely loved Unholy and Tough Love though. TL was one of the first guitar riffs I learned. Can't remember it anymore. Took me like 2 months to perfect it at the time.
Can't wait for this one either, plus they will be touring with Aerosupply this summer. They are going back to the pre-Eliminator sound which is fine by me.

i can't wait either. i am seeing zz top in mid may here in VA but its before aerosmith join up.

no one answered. where did these new fates warning album rumors come from?
i can't wait either. i am seeing zz top in mid may here in VA but its before aerosmith join up.

no one answered. where did these new fates warning album rumors come from?

Re: ZZ I had no idea they were touring before the Aerosupply thing?
I have to look into that.

Re: Fates, this probably started on a forum or something, as far as I know they are currently not a a label...
Re: ZZ I had no idea they were touring before the Aerosupply thing?
I have to look into that.

Re: Fates, this probably started on a forum or something, as far as I know they are currently not a a label...

metal blade dropped fates warning :zombie:??
I don't think they dropped them, the band probably just didn't resign with them....

That seems a bit odd. FW has been with Metal Blade almost since the start of Metal Blade. Why switch labels now?

Also:Special Guests @ PPUSA: Frank Aresti on Guitar and Bobby Jarzombek on drums (Fucking eh!)

I see nothing on their site about being dropped from Metal Blade, although it would be nice to see something about "You're going to get a new fates album!"
I don't think they dropped them, the band probably just didn't resign with them....

my guess would be since OSI and redemption are on the inside out label then inside out would just release a new fates warning album if one was ever made
Seems logical doesn't it? Or maybe Magna Carta if they still exist...

As far as I know most Magan Carta acts switched to IOMA. Don't know if the label still out there.

I'm not a fan of FW, but a band with such a resume will found easily a label of good caliber (supposing the music they record appeals to the people in charge).
Seems logical doesn't it? Or maybe Magna Carta if they still exist...

yeah i just guessed since jim and ray are signed with other bands that the label would release a fates album. kinda like when members of bigger bands (the rolling stones, crosby, stills and nash) release solo albums its normally the label the band is signed to