New korn song!

These guys have sucked forever. Everything after the self titled album is garbage, even that one wasn't great... and if you wanna talk about barely getting through ridiculously long drawn out intros , let's talk about "Blind"

da na na na...................................................

da na na na............................................

dun dun dun dun

da na na na ...........................................

20 minutes later


no , jonathan , not quite yet.
I believe that when Head and David left Korn died. I liked the 'main' riff of that new song somewhat, think it sounded cool. But that clean part just got me on my laughing nerves. And Davis has lost the agressive 'bark' he once had, dammit, i'm gonna listen to Issues.
They were one of the bands that originally got me into 'metal' when I was a kid. I sort of went through the whole nu-metal thing, then made my way back to the 'real' stuff. Always had a soft spot for Korn's older material since. I pulled out Issues again the other month, and couldn't believe that it's been so many years. Was the last record of theirs I bought.

That song in the video sucked.
I just did a little searching and apparently david is completely done with drumming and music all together and he now owns a few restaurants....Head "found god" and is now all religious and shit but hes got a solo album....its nothing special

...and it's like 15 years old, and nobody really paid attention to them.

I saw those guys with Derrick-Greene-ultura/Biohazard/Spineshank. They were good, but that was pretty much the last anyone heard of them.

The biggest fuck-o is that people keep eating up Korn and there are WWWAAAAYYYY more bands out there that can slap them around musically, but thats obviously not why they are that popular.
That song kicked ass can't wait for this record now. i love all the hating on here, you'd think everyone was an expert or something. it's a rough mix and people act like it's the word of god.:notworthy LMAO!