new Lacuna Coil

HaloPhenomenon said:
lacuna coil are great... and i hate simple minded idiots like have no own opinnions, why even bother to whine on someones musictaste? you just like all the bands you know are going to be accepted here... or tell me one example of an artist you think wouldnt be.
And NFU, after hearing that among your favourite vocalists you can find artists like michael jackson and elton john, one would think that you´re more open minded than that, but obviously not.

i think that the new album is okay, but that the older ones are much better... their sound is so different in the new one, nothing personal about it really... my favourite is comalies

I really dont get your problem with me. I have ventured my opinions lots of times. I didn question anyones music taste. I just gestured my dislike for the band. Stop being a knob.
hey, it´s nothing personal... i just get annoyed by comments like "lacuna coil is shit, period."
it just gives the feeling that you´re trying to act superior and like you would know better.
but in the otherhand i respect mature answers of how you explain why you personally don´t like something...
Wrong, i actually do think lacuna coil are shit. I dont give a flying ducky if someone else hates them or likes them. All i know is i dont like them because they bore the hell out of me. Its simple as. it wouldn't make me even seem supierior(like i even consider myself supierior anyway for that matter) for disliking lacuna coil when so many people do.
What are you talking about ffs? The only reason its pointless to have a conversation with me is if your personally attacking me in the first place because you dont like the way ive voiced my opinion. Plus you want to find any excuse not to want to agree with anyone round here as apparently there are a few people here that say their opinion differently to how you want. Just because im not agreeing with you doesnt mean its impossible to have a conversation with me.
but this isnt a lacuna coil forum rofl...

Fine il be constructive.
LC really fails to adapt their own style. The only thing I could say stands out is the vocalist who has a distinctive voice mixed with her accent. She really shon live aswell, practically pitch perfect, the rest of the band sounded like the cd live(which is quite impressive considering the bands albums sound pretty overdone in a mastering suit) even broke into a generic acoustic set too.
But back to the music itself. The arrangements, melodys are completely average and uninteresting(eg. like the constant change to the clean and distortion, as though they think it adds texture or dynamics to it)and most of the time just made so that Cristina can give some vocal wankery. Cristina is a decent vocalist, but the band that backs her up (especially that weird little man that trys to get the crowd 'pumped') are god awful, and is extremely uninspired, and they make very little use of the instruments they play.
All lacuna coil have going for them is Cristina, and still she is hardly one of the best vocalists in the world. edit: They are just never as exciting as you want them to be. And seem to hold themselves back.
There. I fully explained why i dont like them.Obviously Biased...But isnt everything.
there´s a difference with wrong and wrong now? what does it matter if this isn´t the lacuna coil forum?´s the lacuna coil thread...

good, that is a constructive answer...why not take the time earlier?
still i don´t agree on that they don´t have their own sound, and i actually like the from time to time cheesy and predictable "wankery", that is why music is subjective. and i don´t think their melodies are unintresting, they somehow manage to create this atmosphere on the older material that gives me the chills, not sure why. I can agree on most of your points...but they still appeal to me, very much even.