New Lamb Of God, wtf?


Feb 3, 2016

As much as i really liked the guitar tone at the beginning of the song, i was disappointed both from the song and the production!! I was never a big LOG fan but the mix/master was never a let down from these guys :/
Lots of complaints about this. I understand the song is about leukemia and all, but I just can't jive with Randy's clean singing here.

How many times can they re-hash the same riffs anyway? I mean, that damn *break - 3 hi hat hits - guitar slide* has been done sooooo much by them, how can they possibly be writing and go "Oh, yeah! That's a great way to transition here!"???
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it´s a half-assed production. Sounds okay, but I miss a lot of details in transitions, or tiny variations

The song is ... I don´t know, borderline hilarious? But the lyrics don´t represent that
You don't like the production?

Anyhow, I actually like this a lot.
It lacks power and punch to my ears, low mids are not present like they were on their older stuff. It seems like its kinda flat but then again it depends on anyones personal tastes so I dont want to be a dick about it :P It just surprised me instantly when i listened to it the first time. I dont know if the path they have chosen for this record is more mainstream like Parkway Drive's IRE but it revealed similarities judging by this song.
I thought they were done after Ashes of the Wake......then Sacrament grew on me, and the few after that I didn't bother with. Sturm Un Drang or whatever was pretty fucking good though, IMO.
This one is alright. Gave a good listen last night on proper speakers and I have to admit, the production isn't quite as "bad" as I thought.

That lead tone though.....and that drum break near the end.....seems like a different drum sound for Adler but I think the drums sound awesome.

I've never been a huge LoG fan, but however I always enjoyed the drum lines, because Alder has his own style compared to other bands. And some of their songs are really catchy+heavy (Redneck comes to mind).

That being said, I never liked their guitar tone and I agree that they overuse the same kind of riffage from albums to albums.

But, when listening to this new "The Duke", I was like "Oh.... OK.... this is boring".
Just listened to Ashes of the Wake last night and every time I listen to that, I'm reminded exactly how shitty the guitar tones are.

These guys are who influenced me to buy a Mesa Mark IV after hearing "Palaces", even though that mix was funky as hell.

Not sure how in the hell they manage to make that amp sound so bad......
I think it's kinda stigma put on LOG that they HAVE to write songs certain way and that's why they re-use those riffs. I frankly don't know another way how to break that up as only start doing stuff totally different.
I'm not digging Duke but I like direction Randy's vocal is going, it's just too much "laid back" feel.
Just listened to Ashes of the Wake last night and every time I listen to that, I'm reminded exactly how shitty the guitar tones are.

These guys are who influenced me to buy a Mesa Mark IV after hearing "Palaces", even though that mix was funky as hell.

Not sure how in the hell they manage to make that amp sound so bad......

I know right! To me, their guitar tone is kinda weak, thin and dry, which is definitely not what I am used to when listening to Mesa amps.