New LOG album leaked.


New Metal Member
Jul 5, 2008
Acquired it, and I can say hand on heart that they're gonna get some dolla off me for this.

They really chose 2 fucking apalling tracks to represent the album, because the first 2 tracks on the album are such an interesting blend of their past sounds and a huge forward advancement.
Blacken The Cursed Sun eat your heart out, In Your Words got it beat in the epic department. Goddamn.

Fucking awful mastering though.
Absolutely disgusting.
Smushed to hell and back :(

It's not affecting my enjoyment of it quite as bad as it spoilt The Faceless' latest offering for me though.
And also, they wanted it to sound raw and agressive and ral, and goddamnit, it completely succeeds in sounding that way, and it totally works for the album.

I'm really digging it.
I'm not giving any links out, they're getting my money as soon as it drops, so I feel justified, but I don't know about anyone else, so I'll leave finding it up to you guys, but I had zero trouble finding it.

Yeah the mix is really focken weird. I don't like the mix as a mix much, but I like that it adds to the attitude and feel of the album in spades. The production on a lot of stuff nowadays seems really detached from the feel. I hear so much music that's really dirty and the productions too clean for it, like All Shall Perish's latest, but the production fits this album pretty damn well.

And I've noticed this album really isn't too consistent, but I can hear some sort of experimentation of their sound here, and that redeems its flaws a bit.
But I'm one of those guys who listens to nothing but 30 minute Jazz Odyseys now, so I'm quite used to hearing a FEW good musical ideas redeeming huge torrents of shite.

Not perfect, but I wasn't expecting anything half decent to begin with, and I get an album I'm really rather enjoying. Cooool
If they wanted an aggressive sound, I would have preferred they just used the exact mix they had on As The Palaces Burn.. sounds pretty fucking sweet so far though. I like how Randy is trying some new stuff with his vocals and they are throwing in some blastbeats here and there

edit: I see this Fake Messiah song going to heavy rotation on my iPod from here on out, holy shit!
yea, fake messiah is a really cool track, along with the opener

aside from that, this album gets a pretty decided "meh" from me...which totally disappoints the shit outta me
What a hype Chris Adler has created and I'm sorry for them. The songs in general are lacklustre in arrangement and plagued with repetitions. There is no brilliance like what they had in earlier albums. This album does not warrant a second listen.

I hope they get back their focus for the next one if not they're out of the game for me.

What a hype Chris Adler has created and I'm sorry for them. The songs in general are lacklustre in arrangement and plagued with repetitions. There is no brilliance like what they had in earlier albums. This album does not warrant a second listen.

I hope they get back their focus for the next one if not they're out of the game for me.


Maybe it would grow on you after a second (or third) listen - of course, I'm just playing devil's advocate, I've never really liked LoG...
why can't i ever get my vocals to sound THAT on time, like ever...


cause you aren't tracking this dude?

cause you aren't tracking this dude?


Kurtz, I never visualize him looking like that. Every time I think of him, all I see is him on that DVD when he is having that pissed fight with Mark outside the bus. That is hilarious. I believe that as the true representation of the guy (whether it actually is or not). That's one pathetic scene. :lol:

I cannot get into any LoG at all. Adler sure has some drumskills though. So if this isn't equal with their best then I will give it a miss as well.
Haven't heard the leak, will wait until this one comes out. I haven't gotten 100% into them because of the lack of melody. Just my taste, they are a great band and I definitely get why people like them.

I'd love to hear Chris Adler work on a more progressive/melodic (yet still brutal) project.
The drums are really the only interesting thing for me on this album for me. The songs still sound very cookie-cutter and safe. It's a bit heavier than Sacrament which I like - but the whole thing just sounds safe.
Kurtz, I never visualize him looking like that. Every time I think of him, all I see is him on that DVD when he is having that pissed fight with Mark outside the bus. That is hilarious. I believe that as the true representation of the guy (whether it actually is or not). That's one pathetic scene. :lol:

I cannot get into any LoG at all. Adler sure has some drumskills though. So if this isn't equal with their best then I will give it a miss as well.

I felt sorry for the guy seeing that :erk:
He had an alcohol problem for quite a while I believe.
Not sure how much better it is now, but I've heard he's cleared it up a little.
I've only heard a snippet of something on Youtube (I think Fake messiah as someone else pointed out)...I like it. The guitars seem to sound a little more gained up and thicker, but that could be just how it sound through Youtube.

I've never been a huge LoG fan, but this sounded good to me. I like "songs" and riffs where you get to actually hear them more than once in a 4 minutes song, so the idea of it being repetitive and "safe" are probably attributes I like about it...Most of the metal I like best still have the "pop song structure", and that's the kind of stuff I write and play as well...I feel like it can connect a bit more than just stringing together riffs, IMHO...Different strokes and all that, but I think I'll dig this one more than Sacrament.
Most of the metal I like best still have the "pop song structure", and that's the kind of stuff I write and play as well...I feel like it can connect a bit more than just stringing together riffs, IMHO...Different strokes and all that, but I think I'll dig this one more than Sacrament.

I feel exactly the same way, and my bandmates fucking hated me for writing shit like that haha.