New loot - pre-PPIV warm up


I got out to the Virgin Megastore the other night and wanted to practice for my ProgPower spending, to make sure I'm still in shape by the concert event.

I checked out some bands that people have been talking about, and picked up some others as well. This is what I got, and I hope it sparks some response with some other bands that might help people out (myself included) to check out some bands and albums...

::PP goods::
Dragonforce - Valley of the Damned
Dionysus (Luca Turilli's band I believe)
Symphony X - Divine Wings of Tragedy
Sinner - There Will Be Execution (w/ bonus cd)
Mob Rules - Hollowed By Thy Name
((edit - forgot one)) Masterplan

::non PP goods::
Death - Spiritual Healing
Entombed - Sons of Satan Praise the Lord (2 cd import b-side/cover)
Circle Jerks - wonderful

I picked up Mob Rules and Dragonforce based on what some people were saying about them here in this forum, and I liked both of them very much. I plan on getting the other 2 Mob Rules albums (didn't know this -Hollowed- cd was out).
Creeps said:
I got out to the Virgin Megastore the other night and wanted to practice for my ProgPower spending, to make sure I'm still in shape by the concert event.

This is a point that I intend to cover in my second ProgPower Training Guide in July (I did the same back in Oct. regarding drinking and head banging warm-ups).

In the case of proper spending technique, you can start practicing early by doing a few simple exercises.

Part 1: Strength Training
First, build up the strength in your fingers (for gripping wads of spending cash), by using finger weights or other similar items (available at most sporting goods stores). Second, but your fingers to the test by withdrawing large sums of cash from your neighborhood ATM (I recommend withdrawing your daily max). If you can easily pull the cash from the ATM, then you know your fingers are strong enough to survive ProgPower.

Part 2: Practice Makes Perfect
Now it's time for a little real-world training! Take your wad of cash to a local convention (any convention will do). Just make sure they have several booths lined up next to each other, like the vendors at ProgPower. Now, you will want to practice running down the line of booths as fast as possible (go when it's crowded to simulate a real ProgPower environment) while throwing cash (you may want to substitute Monopoly money to ensure that you aren't broke when it comes time to go to ProgPower) at the vendors and grabbing CDs (or, in this case, whatever they have on display). Keep practicing this until you develop the most efficient method (methods vary from person to person). Keep practicing at local conventions (or other similar environments) until it's time to travel to ProgPower.

This should be an easy start to your ProgPower training. Stay tuned for the next two chapters of my ProgPower Training Guide: Drinking and Headbanging! :rock:


(Yes, I have too much friggin' free time)

Yahhhh, that's what I'm talkin about.. heh

Let's just hope the vendors bring LARGE, STURDY BAGS this year.

I'd like to see the vendors from last year repeat.. hopefully they don't fall into the eery other yer rule like the bands :)

The End Records table got a lot of my ca$h last year.
By the way, Dionysius is the band of the singer, Olaf, that sings on the Turilli cds. I don't know why nobody has that much practice, I have way too much. About 2 times a week at cd warehouse here in dallas I get too much practice and spend through all of my money. At least I have a great ollection of metal cds to make up for it. HAHA
You can never have enogh metal cds, if it is the good stuff. My lesson though is to knw exactly what yu are looking for, and kno of new eleases of the near future and look for them at progpower, most of the venders will have them there before the release date.
Let us not forget a shopping list before you hit the vendors. I seems hard enough to remember what you want when you are straight, let alone when you are quite dusted.
Haunted Eclipse said:
Let us not forget a shopping list before you hit the vendors. I seems hard enough to remember what you want when you are straight, let alone when you are quite dusted.
Nah... The object here is quantity, not quality. Worry about what you bought when you're sifting through your 200+ CDs after you get home. :grin:

Haunted Eclipse said:
Quantity is good. I love being able to say " holy crap, I forgot I bought this one"

I hear ya! I have a Want List a mile long, but, at the rate new albums come out, I can't seem to make much of a dent in it. Plus, unless I print the friggin' thing out, I'll never remember all the titles when I start browsing the vendors. :)

Creeps -

How is the new Mob Rules? I've never been blown away by the band, but they have some catchy tunes. I've heard some rave reviews of "Hollowed".

Tell me what you think.

DarkOne - I really really like it. I like it enough to try and pick up their other 2 albums if that helps any. It's a very melodic-sounding album, not heavy like say... Sinner or as speedy as Dragonforce or Rhapsody. I enjoy listening to it.

Shopping list? I use one hehehe I have to with so many different bands I wanna try after listening to some sound clips and your feedback here on the forum!