pre PP loot

I ended up ordering some CDs the other day, something I haven't done in a while. I nabbed Epica the Score, the new Circle II Circle, the only Vision Divine album I could find on Ebay, Scar Symmetry and Thunderstone Tools of Destruction.

I'm liking them all. I've liked Epica since we all heard them over the PA in
Earthlink a few years back, so that one was a no-brainer, same w/ the CIIC although I was leary about it w/ the new lineup, it's still good, but I like the other guys better. I'm very impressed w/ the Vision Divine and would like to get more of them if they're out there.

Glenn said that Tools of Destruction was a great album and he was right. I have the 1st one and I really like that one as well, now to get their 2nd. I think Thunderstone will be a big hit this year, they write some good songs.

Now whoever mentioned Scar Symmetry - THANK YOU! Holy crap is this band addictive! These guys could play PP or the pre-party I think. Death & clean vocals, and talented players in the band. Nothing very standard here at all. One of the singers is a near dead-ringer for Chuck Billy (Demonic album). Clean vocals are no Halford, but more a Fear Factory feel with some harmony. Decent bass lines, interesting guitar work and
a drummer who's feet must be hand-me downs from Charlie Benante and the drummer from Fear Factory (name escapes me).
The original mention of SCAR SYMMETRY wa from Jonah of PYRAMAZE, then i got on the band wagon, they are great.
Let's start promoting them to Glenn for next year, they would be awesome for PPVIII.