Can someone explain to me why Vision Divine is 4th tier again and not 2nd?

Michael TEOF

Master Whorebot
Mar 4, 2002
Schaumburg, IL
Vision Divine have Olaf Thorsen of Labyrinth who have put out some of the greatest Power Metal albums of all time -- with some of the greatest most memorable singing and melody writing of the genre. They have four albums under their belt and by far the best singer (in my opinion.. I know I know) in the entire festival. Thunderstone have three albums under their belt and I hadn't even heard of'm until the roster was announced. And Epica have two albums out.

I'm obviously not a festival promoter here and Glenn has had the order just about right at every single Prog Power I've been to (all since III). In fact, even when headliners like Blind Guardian and Nightwish went on early, problems were caused in uneveness of crowd interest. There has to be some reason why Epica and Thunderstone have more drawing power. And while I have nothing against either band, I just don't see how they're above Vision Divine. Can someone rationalize or explain it to me? Maybe it's as simple as Epica and Thunderstone selling more albums.

The Michael
I'm curious to find this out as well. IMO, Michele Luppi is not only the best singer on this festival, but probably the best singer in metal right now.
There is always a method to my madness. Album sales, tour draws, and individual band website/forum traffic do influence me. You also have to consider the date that I make offers. If a band accepts quickly, then remaining slots are all that are left to fill. I would have to be a total dick to say I'll book you in a certain slot unless I can get a better band. That's just damn rude and against what I stand for in terms of professional courtesty. Furthermore, I do look to balance the lineup if at all possible in terms of prog vs power vs whatever.

What seems to be effecting you most is what effects me the least: personal taste.
I must say, I never listened to vision divine, thunderstone, or epica before I saw the line-up coming out... and out of the three I like vision divine the best!
VIsion Divine !
I always had the same question on WHY in the world Epica got the 4th slot and VD 2nd..... oh well, Glenn knows what he's doing... :)
I like the 3 bands mention above. Probably, I know a little more about Vision Divine because of Olaf. I am a Labyrinth fan. So after the first VD album, I kept them in check all the time.
But to me having the opportunity of watching Thunderstone, Epica and Vision Divine on the same show, for a pretty decent set time, I can't complain. Either of them on any (either 2,3,4) slot would be just fine. It's not like one is playing 25 minutes and the other would be performing hour and a half.
Vision Divine will be the Show Stopper.... I shouldn't put up expectations but IMO, if they put out 50% of what the cd's sound like, the rest of the show, barring Jorn and Freak Kitchen,, will be average at best..Just like when Pagan's Mind played.. It's all good either way.. I'm just glad to beable to see them Play live.. Woot... Wanna step it up a notch too? Get VD and Nocturnal Rites on a double bill... There'a show and a half for ya :)
rrhoadsfan1 said:
Vision Divine will be the Show Stopper.... I shouldn't put up expectations but IMO, if they put out 50% of what the cd's sound like, the rest of the show, barring Jorn and Freak Kitchen,, will be average at best..Just like when Pagan's Mind played.. It's all good either way.. I'm just glad to beable to see them Play live.. Woot... Wanna step it up a notch too? Get VD and Nocturnal Rites on a double bill... There'a show and a half for ya :)

Vision Divine is awesome on the Stage of Consciousness DVD. Definately just as good as on album. Theirs a clip of Luppi hitting the note at the end of La Vita Fugge up on You Tube. Check it out if you haven't seen it, brother. Amazing stuff. :headbang:
as long as bands get long enough sets, I don't mind where they fit in. People get overly intoxicated while others get tired as the day goes on. Sometimes it works to go on earlier in the day, that is my 2 cents.
zedowns said:
Theirs a clip of Luppi hitting the note at the end of La Vita Fugge up on You Tube. Check it out if you haven't seen it, brother. Amazing stuff. :headbang:
NO WAY! I was just playing that exact part for my sister yesterday and saying ---- oooooh man I hope he does that at PP!!!!
zedowns said:
I'm curious to find this out as well. IMO, Michele Luppi is not only the best singer on this festival, but probably the best singer in metal right now.

The more times I spin Vision Divine, the more I'm beggining to agree with you here. Michele Luppi is a 1st Tier vocalist, no doubt.
I have bought 3 VD discs trying to get into the band,but I just cant do it. They are down there next to Thunderstone as bands that I will be "Getting a Burger" during their sets.
Not that I hate em or anything,they are just mediocre to me.
Michael TEOF said:
Thunderstone have three albums under their belt and I hadn't even heard of'm until the roster was announced.

Sounds like a personal problem...

Rock on!
I know Glenn will regret not putting them higher on the bill as they will slay at PP USA. Luppi is hands down the best metal singer out there presently plus the music is a big step up from a few of the bands mentionned in this thread. I can see them doing what Pagan's Mind did a few years back.

Those of you who can play PAL format and like VD in any remote way have to get the Stage of consciousness DVD. You'll then see that Luppi can hit every note and some more. The guy hits them all with so much ease, it's unreal.

As for me, I'll be humping Larry's or Dweeb's leg during the show. Just look at their face after the VD set to know which one got lucky.


np: Spheric Universe Experience - Mental torments (This is brilliant!!!)
I may be wrong, but I think Vision Divine draw small crowds overseas at the present time. With that in mind, I'm sure they weren't a big draw for PP until people actually listened to them since they were added to the roster.

Personally, Vision Divine is one of my main draws this year, but probably not for everyone.