Rate your favorite Sets of ProgPower in order

I enjoyed almost all of the bands that I saw.

1. Jorn-Thought he was great. enjoyed his stuff and the covers.
2. Evergrey-Other headliner was great as well. had some sound problems at first, but that got better as the set went along.
3. Freak Kitchen-The surprise of the festival. I was thoroughly entertained.
4. Vision Divine-The lead singer sounded great. Sound on Saturday was a lot better than Friday. They seemed to be having a good time.
5. Epica-Simone really shone on her vocals. She looked amazing. Dropped them down because they seemed to include almost all of the songs with the death metal vocals.
6. Thunderstone-Very solid. I really like the band. I appreciated that they did Land of Innocence.
7. Savage Circus-Another group I like. I wasn't blown away by them though. Still a very young band.
8. Mercenary-The only group I didn't like. Awful. I couldn't understand one word the singer sang.

N/A-Pyramaze and Zero Hour-Didn't see either group.
This is regarding Epica's death vocals. I'm not really into death vocals at all. I've gotten sort of acquainted with them after listening to Therion's Lemuria/Sirius B album, as well as listening to a few songs from Death (haha! What a coincidence, right?!), old In Flames, and Ensiferum. However, I thought the death vox were well executed. I mean, they were clear and powerful, and I could even make out a lot of the words, which usually doesn't happen for me with that kind of music. Anyone else feel the same way?
1. Circus Maximus
2. the rest...

Main Show:
1. Vision Divine - They just did everything right.
2. Evergrey - No explanation needed.
3. Thunderstone - I'm on the Spiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirrrrre!!! These guys delivered.
4. Jorn - With so much material I bet it was hard to pick his setlist, but killer.
5. Epica - Wasnt sure how their material would translate live, but WOW!
6. Zero Hour - I actually prefered the new material as the older stuff is so tarnished for me by the terrible vocals. Salinas was a breath of fresh air. Tiptons are freaking machines.
1. Epica
2. Vision Divine
3. Evergrey
4. Mercenary
5. Savage Circus
6. Pyramaze
7. Zero Hour
8. Thunderstone
9/10. Jorn & Freak Kitchen tied. I saw less of these than any other.

1. Circus Maximus
2. Theocracy
3. Leatherwolf
I totally missed Circle II Circle.

1. Circus Maximus -- the larger venue realllly brought these guys out
2. Circle II Circle -- I thought the mixing was particularly good for them
3. Theocracy
4. Leatherwolf
(overall this was a strong pre-party lineup, too)

Main Event

1. Mercenary -- everything's been said before and yeah I'm a bit biased, but good lord did they slay. Huge crowd response. :kickass:
2. (tie) Epica and Freak Kitchen -- Epica sounded very crisp, excellent performance overall! All the vocals were clear including the well-done growls.
Freak Kitchen win the Therion Award this year for the most surprising set of the fest -- they had the audience eating out of their hands by the end of their set, and very few people were expecting that.
4. Evergrey -- I'm only knocking them down a slot because that first mawwiage proposal pretty much sucked the energy and inertia out of their performance. Still, a great set from a great bunch of guys. Kudos to Jonas for kicking butt during one of the longest and most grueling performances of his career. :rock:
5. Vision Divine -- I missed part of their show due to Mercenary's autographing, but whew, they sounded great when I finally got in there!
6. (tie) Zero Hour, Pyramaze -- I'd have liked to hear more old ZH material, and the set could've flowed better, with less time in between songs
8. (tie) Savage Circus, Jorn -- would have liked to hear more Ark material
n/a Thunderstone -- only caught a few minutes, so I can't really judge -- sounded good for that brief time, though.

1) Circle II Circle... Zak is still my favorite live vocalist... lost my voice early on during this festival... in case anyone's wondering, I was the guy screaming the lyrics to the songs from the second album :)
2) Leatherwolf... peed pants during "Spiter" and "The Calling"... Wade is no Mike Olivieri, but he has mondo presence, and the new stuff sounds great with him

Didn't see the others. Neither one is remotely my thing. From what I hear, the bass player for Theocracy is the spitting image of me... anyone have pics? :lol:


1) Freak Kitchen... my favorite performance of ANY ProgPower to date... glad our audience has removed the stick from its collective ass since Devin Townsend played the fest
2) Thunderstone... it's amazing that the two bands I was LEAST familiar with before the show were my two favorites... their brand of dark/melodic power metal is my bread and butter
3) Savage Circus... I know they had some issues, but they were energetic and I love the material
4) Zero Hour... Chris is a monster, and fits well with them... wish they had picked a more energetic set, though
5) Evergrey... I'm not as big of an Evergrey fan as 90% of people here, even though I have most of their cds, but this was a cool performance, and it was worth standing for 2.5 hours through two marriage proposals to finally see "For Every Tear That Falls" performed... Carina is an absolute jewel
6) Jorn... not familiar AT ALL with any of his material except Mundanus and Ark, but I liked most of it, and loved the covers, esp. the Whitesnake and STARS!
7) Mercenary... I wasn't into them as much as I thought I would be... perhaps last time it was partly the surprise factor that made me appreciate them more, or perhaps the fact that they're more melodic now than they used to be had an effect on my enjoyment of them... they were good, but not mind-blowing
8) Pyramaze... not really my thing, but Lance definitely has pipes, and they are good at what they do

Didn't see Epica/Vision Divine. I have no interest whatsoever in either band, although I have to give the edge here to Epica, because Simone has boobs, and because I'm told they did a cover of Death's "Crystal Mountain". I'd have loved to see that cover, especially if boobs are involved. :)
1) Circus Maximus: I wasn't very familiar with these guys (or any of the pre-party bands for that matter) but I was extremely impressed with both their performances and their song-writing ability.

2) Circle II Circle: Again, another great performance, really close to being tied for first, the new album sounds like it's going to be great.
3) Theocracy: A great opener, very impressive set of songs for an opening band.

4) Leatherwolf: Another solid performer, but something about Wade's stage presence was kind of...weird, at any rate, another great act.

Main show:
1) Thunderstone: I was familiar with these guys coming into the show, but by no means a die-hard or anything like that. Their performance exceeded all of my expectations, however. As soon as their set got underway I had a feeling it would be my favorite of the show and I turned out to be right. The Finnish cussing lesson was great too, vittu is the most versatile curse word in any language.

2) Evergrey: I have 3 Evergrey cd's, and I've tried really hard to get into them, but it just never happened. Hell I even saw Evergrey over the summer and I still wasn't impressed. But something about Friday night's performance really worked for me, maybe it was their stage presence or that string quartet or something, but I thought they played an awesome set. My only complaints are that the choir and strings seemed underutilized at times (moreso the choir), and it was honestly the only time during the weekend I felt a band played for too long. Still, a phenominal show.

3) Jorn: This was the act I made the trip for, and I was pretty much 100% sure that it would be the highlight of the show for me. Jorn is a great performer, but as other people have mentioned, I felt there could have been a little more audience involvement during the set. I kept expecting him to take a break at some point and at least say something, but it didn't happen for a long time. This is a hard one for me to judge because I'm a rabid fan of his singing, but even so I have to acknowledge I enjoyed other PP acts more than him. This was my second time hearing "Soulburn" live, and I for one feel removing the keyboard parts did not enhance the song. Maybe if I hadn't witnessed the asskicking power of Masterplan before, this would be #1, but that's sort of my standard for judging this one, sorry Jorn.

4) Epica: A big surprise for me. I could not get into their albums at all, all the songs sort of blended together for me, but live they put on a truly spectacular show, they got someone totally unfamiliar with their music (myself) involved in their show, good job. Too bad about Simone's reported attitude though, although I kind of caught a glimpse of it with her "I don't know if you know any of our songs" comment towards the beginning.

5) Freak Kitchen: I'm a big fan of IA's guitar playing, not a big fan of Freak Kitchen's music. After seeing them, I'm still not a fan of their music, but hot damn can they put on a show! Easily the most fun of any PPVII act.

6) Vision Divine: I'm a fan of the material they've put out on cd, and they put on a flawless performance, not much else to say here.

7) Mercenary: I enjoyed this one a lot, I thought their live show was a big improvement over their cd material (which is still great). Glenn's stage dive will go down in Progpower history.

8) Pyramaze: Never heard of them before, and they kicked ass. Definately deserve a bump up a couple slots if they come back.

9) Savage Circus: I thought this would be #2 or so for me coming into this, even without Thomen there. Thomas Nack is a very worthy replacement drummer but nevertheless I found this performance lackluster. I didn't even notice Jens reading off the lyrics, but what I did notice was that the band didn't look like a band. There was close to zero interaction between members, which was probably due to a number of factors, the band being very young, the guy who put it all together not being there, every member of the band having other committments, etc. My hat goes off to Piet though for giving the performance all he had, it felt like he was the frontman half the time.

10) Zero Hour: Slots 5-9 were hard to decide, this one wasn't. I hadn't heard of this band before, and they might have been better with their previous frontman, but I could not get into this performance at all. I don't mean to rip on the band or anyone in it, the singer had a fantastic voice, I just feel they lacked stage presence and I couldn't really get into their music.

Sorry to bore you guys with my long reply, hopefully someone will read it :p
1. Evergrey - Do I really need to say anything? My only observation was asking myself "is Tom recovering from a cold?" His voice seemed to be a little off at the start, some struggles, but then, about 5-6 songs in, picked up the pace. Overall, as expected, the performance of the event.
2. Jorn - nice break from the over the top prog/power metal thingy. Both guitarists were great, and the cowboy dude really seemed like a character. Didn't really KNOW what to expect, but I thought he sounded "on" the entire time. His band was tight as hell.
3. Freak Kitchen - very possibly a number 2. Don't know what to say other than everything positive that's been said already, I can agree with. Mind-shatteringly good. Mr Bungle on steroids? Frank Zappa's illegitimate musical offspring lovechildren? Supercrazy virtuoso swedes with insane stage banter? All applies...
4. Zero Hour - though I was very disappointed that nothing from A Fragile Mind was performed. Their most "accessible" CD (and vastly under-rated, ask Chris-F5) and it - as predicted - was entirely absent. This place listing is mostly because I was highly anticipating their set and new CD (which, as of this inital listening, is not grabbing me. Repeated listenings are required, so I'll reserve total judgement as of yet) Still not sure if I can totally dig Salinas' over-the-top vocals, but musically, the band is smokin'.
5. Vision Divine - caught their last song or two and was kicking myself I didn't catch their entire set. Probably would've bumped 'em up a spot or two, as what I heard was well performed, powerful and smokin'.
6. Pyramaze - Pleasantly surprised. Wouldn't mind checking out a disc or two of theirs to get a better idea of their "sound."
7. Epica - Good band, decent songs, but damn, I just can't get into the high, operatic vocals at all.
8. Mercenary - good energy, the death/metalcore vocals were way to high in the mix, definitely detracted from whatever I thought I would take from their set.
9. Savage Circus - not impressed. Seemed redundant and cliched? But that could be that I'm also not familiar with their music at all.
n/a Thunderball - missed 'em.
n/a/a The Pre-Party Gig... wasn't even there, man!
1.Circle II Circle
3.Circus Maximus (all 3 really close though)

1.Freak Kitchen
7.Vision Divine
9.Savage Circus
10.Zero Hour (did not enjoy at all, left during their set. The only band I did that too all weekend)
Pre Party
1. Circus Maximus (Slayed)
2. Circus Maximus
3. Circus Maximus
4. Everyone else.

Main Show:
1. Vision Divine
2. Jorn
3. Freak Kitchen
4. Pyramaze
5. Epica
6. Thunderstone (would have been higher, but I didn't like the selist)

Didn't see Mercenary or Evergrey...Zero Hour literally put me to sleep. I'm still yawning...and I like some of the older stuff.

1. Circus Maximus
2. Circle II Circle
3. Theocracy
4. Leatherwolf

Main Show

1. Vision Divine
2. Mercenary (basically 1 & 1a)
3. Pyramaze
4. Freak Kitchen
5. Evergrey
6. Savage Circus
7. Jorn
8. Thunderstone (Big jump from 7 to 8)
9. Epica
10. Zero Hour

Steve in Philly
Pre-part: Missed it, unfortunately!!!

Main Show:

1. Epica (not my favorite band going into the show, but I thought did a kick-ass job !)
2. Savage Circus (Piet!!!)
3. Mercenary (even better than last time)
4. Pyramaze (great opening band!)
5. Jorn (much better headliner then I anticipated)
6. Vision Divine (really enjoyed themselves and kicked ass!)
7. Thunderstone (good band)
8. Evergrey (just can't get into them as much live as on CD)
9. Freak Kitchen (don't get the hype)
10. Zero Hour (too prog for my taste)
Theandromedastrain said:
9.Jorn:Puke: (why the FUCK did he NOT play any masterplan or Ark? biggest dissapointment ever, and yea yea he played a little bit of "noose" from burn the sun big fucking deal it wasnt even complete)

actually they played soulburn, i guess if you were really paying attention you would have noticed that.

Does it really matter? The songs they did perform were excellent, sorry to hear that your really gonna base a bands performance on a few songs that they didnt play. You paid for Jorn, not masterplan or ark. We should be happy we heard the songs that we did hear that werent from Jorn.

anyways, i missed everygrey, pyramaze, and zero hour due to a ton of b/s that went down, but i caught everyone else.

Freak Kitchen - Mattias is incredible! They put so much into their show and mattias is just fucking amazing on guitar, I dont see how no one was into this, was fucking awesome.
Mercenary - awesome set, wish they would have played a little less of the new album cause i dont even know any of it yet, but hey, it was awesome, AND COWBOYS FROM HELL WAS GREAT
Vision Divine - Without a doubt the best vocal performance of the concert, i LOVEED this set
Savage Circus
Kenso said:
Mercenary - awesome set, wish they would have played a little less of the new album cause i dont even know any of it yet, but hey, it was awesome, AND COWBOYS FROM HELL WAS GREAT

I was worried about how much of "Hours" people would know, but the band and I noticed that people were really singing along with the new songs, as well as the old ones, so it worked out. :rock:

They were really happy to see it, too. Kudos to the audience! :notworthy
Circus Maximus
Circle II circle

Main Show:
Freak Kitchen
Savage Circus
Zero Hour
Vision Divine

but honestly, for me it should come down to these 7 overall, in order:
Freak Kitchen
Circus Maximus
This is hard to do because everyone was so good!

Pre Party

1) Circus Maximus (just barely edged out CIIC)
2) Circle II Circle (if I was more familliar with the new material they might have got the top spot)
3) Leatherwolf (was anyone happier to be here than Wade Black?)
4) Theocracy (love Matt's voice and playing but Leatherwolf's enthusiasm edged them out of the #3 spot)


1) Jorn - forget all the bitching about his set choices, I'm thrilled I got to see one of my favorite singers live! I also LOVED the encores and that's what barely edged out Evergrey for the top spot)
2) Evergrey - amazing performance, great set list - forget Gothenberg, this is THEIR arena!
3) Savage Circus - one of the main bands I came to see and they kicked my ass!
4) Thunderstone - the other main band I came to see, great set list, awesome band!
5) Pyramaze - kicked the show off right! Lance has one of my favorite voices
6) Freak Kitchen - what a huge surprise these guys were! The most entertaining band of the fest.
7) Vision Divine - another huge surprise! What an amazing voice!
8) Epica - what a beautiful voice! And a much heavier set than I expected! It's a crime to list them as #8 but this fest was just SO good!
9) Mercenary - "Cowboys From Hell" and Glenn's stage dive - 'nuff said!
10) Zero Hour - amazing talent, just not my cup o' tea