ProgPower VII summed up in 80 minutes...


Feb 16, 2006
I decided I needed to make a CD to try and keep the memories flowing, so here is my "ProgPower VII -- In Remberance" mix:

1. The Prophecy -- Circus Maximus
2. What Lies Beyond -- Pyramaze
3. Propaganda Pie -- Freak Kitchen
4. The Rights To You -- Freak Kitchen
5. Soul Decision -- Mercenary
6. 11 Dreams -- Mercenary
7. Watching The Skies -- Evergrey
8. The Shocking Truth -- Evergrey
9. When The River Calls -- Evergrey
10. Tool Of The Devil -- Thunderstone
11. Without Wings -- Thunderstone
12. Dance Of Fate -- Epica
13. The Last Crusade -- Epica
14. Stormcrow -- Jorn
15. Tungur Knivur -- Jorn
16. Out To Every Nation -- Jorn

Has anyone done anything similar, if so, post it. It's cool to see what other people's highlights were.

One of my highlights was getting to catch Glenn, and having his ass land right on my hand. Lets just say his balls aren't the only thing made out of steel. :blush:
I'm not as familiar with the Beyond Twilight stuff as I am Jorn's solo stuff. Those are probably my three favorite Jorn song's so they really stuck out for me. I am going to make sure and listen to Devil's Hall of Fame some more since Godless and Wicked did rock.
Awesome! Please also check out Ark's Burn The Sun. I think it's Jorn's best performance ever! Not to mention the band is top notch. Fucking killer!
Agreed on the Ark CD, absolutely brilliant.

And Circus Maximus' set highlight for me was "Glory of the Empire." Unbeliveably epic.
Ark no doubt rocks, and if he had played "Burn the Sun" or "Heal the Waters" it would have definitly been an awesome PPUSA moment. I agree with the people complaining about the guitar/drum solo's. I want to hear Jorn Lande singing, not waste time with a freaking drum solo. No offense to the band, (I love Pagan's Mind) they all can hold their own, but that was all time wasted as far as I'm concerned. Plenty of time for an Ark song, another Masterplan, or even another Allen-Lande tune.

While on the subject of gripes with Jorn's set, I thought "We Brought the Angels Down" was a bad choice for an opener. The tempo is just too slow. I think he should have opened with "Stormcrow" or "Are You Ready", either one would have pumped me up for the rest of the set. But instead it felt anticlimactic. And he should have "ended" with "Out to Every Nation" that would have been a perfect way to end his set of his own material.