Rate your favorite Sets of ProgPower in order

1. Epica
2. Mercenary
3. Vision Divine
4. Pyramaze
5. Evergrey
6. Thunderstone
7. Savage Circus
8. Freak Kitchen
9. Jorn
10. Zero Hour

pre-prog epica would be #9, but they were AMAZING... mercenary, well, 'nuff said... and luppi from vd nailing the end of "la vita fugge" was unreal...
1. Freak Kitchen. 98% of the people loved them at the show (and the other 2% post on this board). Quite possibly the heaviest 3 piece I've ever heard live.

2. Thunderstone. But no "Virus"? How can that even be???????

3. Vision Divine. Not into the Italian thing too much, but this was a tight set

4. Pyramaze. Knew nothing but won me over. Lance King is solid

5. Epica. Solid, if unspectacular set. Easy on the eyes in the vocal dept.

6. Evergrey is always solid even if I'm sick to death of them

7. Savage Circus- A work in progress but listenable

8. Mercenary- I missed PP last time they played and was fired up to see them. SHIT, was I disappointed. Virtually unlistenable with all of the yelping and the Halford-esque performance. No power at all in sound after Freak Kitchen got done. For me, my biggest disappointment in PP history.

9. Zero Hour- My mother always said "If you don't have anything nice to say..."

Jorn- I was on my way home by this time. No interest at any level for this performance.
1.Evergrey amazing:OMG:
2.Epica:rock: :rock:
3.Vision Divine:rock:
4.Freak Kitchen:lol:
8.Savage Circus:yuk:
9.Jorn:Puke: (why the FUCK did he NOT play any masterplan or Ark? biggest dissapointment ever, and yea yea he played a little bit of "noose" from burn the sun big fucking deal it wasnt even complete)
10.Zero Hour
Red=IMO, practically terrible:Puke:

1. Circus Maximus
2. Circle II Circle
3. Leatherwolf
4. Theocracy

Main Show

1. Mercenary
2. Freak Kitchen
3. Pyramaze
4. Evergrey
5. Epica
6. Jorn
7. Vision Divine
8. Zero Hour
9. Jorn
10. Savage Circus
It's hard for me to rank them because I thought that almost every band was extremely solid. Numbers 6-9 on my list were especially even in my opinion. Here goes:

1. Epica - They blew me away. I like their music on recording, but it went to another level live.
2. Evergrey - Definately a really special set.
3. Mercenary - Heavy and intense. Loved it.
4. Freak Kitchen - Hilarious and entertaining.
5. Jorn - Don't dig the music so much but the performance was great, and I loved the all-star thing.
6. Savage Circus - Seemed a little timid at first but the material is great and I enjoyed it.
7. Pyramaze - Yet another great performance, Lance King rocks.
8. Thunderstone - Cool show, cool songs.
9. Vision Divine - Great performance, just not so much into the music. Man, that guy can sing though.
10. Zero Hour - Easily my least favorite. I can't get into their music at all.

Despite the rankings, I can't stress enough how good basically EVERY band was. Great fest.
1. Mercenary
2. Freak Kitchen
3. Epica
4. Evergrey
5. Pyramaze
6. Jorn
7. Vision Divine
8. Thunderstone
9. Savage Circus/Zero Hour (Didn't catch much of either)
Circus Maximus
Circle II Circle

Main Show:
Freak Kitchen
Vision Divine
Savage Circus

I didn't catch Zero Hour
Pre-party :

1. Circle II Circle
2. Theocracy
3. Circus Maximus/Leatherwolf (didn't see either one)

Main Show :

1. Evergrey - I've seen them four times now, and every time has been simply incredible :notworthy

2. Jorn - awesome. I too wish he had done more Ark material, but what he did was amazing

3. Freak Kitchen - wow, what a performance! Would love to see them again! :D

4. Zero Hour - their skill is incredible (I had forgotten how great they were the last time I saw them!), and soooo good to see Chris singing with them!

5. Thunderstone - didn't know anything about them going in, but I was impressed

6. Vision Divine - pretty much what I expected... high energy, enjoyable set

Now it gets difficult... I think I disliked the remaining four bands pretty much equally, but for different reasons... okay, here goes:

7. Pyramaze - I really *wanted* to like these guys, really! But I just couldn't get past all the pre-recorded vocals. Someone said it sounded almost exactly like the CD, and maybe that's what they were going for. Just not my thing for a live show, I guess. The music sounded pretty good, though.

8. Mercenary - Again, it was the vocals that I couldn't get past. I don't mind growly vocals thrown in from time to time (like Orphaned Land does, for example), but this was just too much for me. Cowboys From Hell was fun, though.

9. Epica - Wow, I didn't put them last--I am even shocked myself! I pretty much knew I wouldn't like them beforehand (I am not a fan of operatic vocals or growly vocals, so the two together definitely don't do it for me). The music wasn't bad. Just not my cup of tea.

10. Savage Circus - The only reason these guys are at the bottom of my list is because there was simply nothing memorable about their performance. I sat through their whole set, but I don't remember much of anything about it. Blah.
AngraRULES said:
See, I love Zero Hour but I don't know man... They should've played more older songs....
I agree with that. I bailed during the 4th song. I kept waiting for something from Towers Of Avarice, and it didn't come before I became bored. The new stuff sounded okay, but I would have liked to hear more songs I was familiar with. It's just hard to get into songs you don't know.

DarkTide said:
I kept waiting for something from Towers Of Avarice, and it didn't come before I became bored. The new stuff sounded okay, but I would have liked to hear more songs I was familiar with. It's just hard to get into songs you don't know.

Agreed on that... Towers of Avarice is incredible. Still, their performance was great, and I thought Chris sounded awesome with them.
Pre Party :

1. Leatherwolf
2. CircleIICircle
3. Circus Maximus
4. Theocracy

Main Show :

1. Evergrey
2. Vision Divine
3. Freak Kitchen
4. Jorn
5. Thunderstone
6. Pyramaze
7. Savage Circus
8. Mercenary
9. Epica
10. Zero Hour
Pre party
Circle II Circle/Leatherwolf

Main Show:
Jorn - one of my fav singers and he did not disappoint!
Mercenary - what else can be said, they are on top of their game!
Evergrey - great setlist and good orchestration with the strings!
Vision Divine - I was looking forward to them and Michel Luppi was CD sound quality!
Pyramaze - another band I wanted to see, excellent!
Freak Kitchen - I was not excited about their set even thought I had Move and Dead Soul Men, but I am now a believer!!! Goody goody!
Thunderstone - solid powermetal
Savage Circus - another band I was not looking forward to who impressed me!
Epica - Solitary Ground was my highpoint, just not my thing.
ZH- skipped 'em
Pre Party :

1. Leatherwolf (most extraordinary outfit, totally converted by their show, metal the way it has to be)
2. Circus Maximus (worth cheking more throughly)
3. CircleIICircle (not much impressed)
4. Theocracy (actually I fall asleep during their show)

Main Show :

1. Jorn (ultra-super-awsome-astounding-superb)
2. Savage Circus (Piet kick ass)
3. Freak Kitchen (don't care about the music but the show is a 11/10, pure genius)
4. Vision Divine (average)
5. Thunderstone (average)
6. Pyramaze (average and i skipp a chunk returning to the hotel with the haul :lol: )
7. Mercenary (skipped much of it boring and i didn't like the vocalist)
8. Evergrey (skipped almost enterily, nothing appealing and I was sleeping)
9. Zero Hour (nothing Spastic Ink hasn't done for me yet, skipped)
10. Epica (boring, unoriginal, repetitive, out of style for the festival IMO)
JORN and EPICA were the 2 best acts. The rest were good but i really wasn't interested any in of them other than Jorn. EPICA completely caught me off gaurd and blew me away, they were a perfect opener for Jorn.

P.S I also thought the dude who sang for Mercanary had a phenomenal set of pipes.
Pre Party (this one isn't even close):

1. Circus Maximus - Wow. They completely owned me.
2. CircleIICircle - Pretty good
3. Theocracy
n/a Leatherwolf (skipped it....not my thing)

Main Show :

1. Zero Hour - Incredible musicianship, and Chris Salinas is amazing on vocals!
2. Freak Kitchen - Tons of fun, as well as decent songs and great guitar.
3. Evergrey - Nice set....the string sections and background vocalists added a lot.
4. Jorn - Great singer, great performance, but was disappointed that he only did one song ("Noose" - one of my least favorites) from ARK, and even cut it short. Good show, though I'm not a fan of Masterplan. The all-star part was pricelesss.
5. Vision Divine - The band itself did nothing for me, but the singer was amazing. Incredible voice (with great control), great stage presence, and he was obviously having a blast. Vocal melodies were also excellent, but the songs themselves weren't really my style...not bad, just not my style.
6. Pyramaze - Excellent set, but I'm more of prog guy. Lance is incredibly cool, a well as being a great singer.
7. Thunderstone - Not my thing, skipped it.
8. Epica - The death metal vocals ruined it for me, but still I wouldn't have been impressed.
9. and 10 . Savage Circus and Mercenary. skipped both.

1. CIRCUS MAXIMUS - :rock: :rock: Amazing set. Blew me away. One of the best of the fest, and they didn't even play the main event. EPIC!
2. Theocracy - What a close second! They were awesome, but CM blew me away, so they find themselves 2nd here. I knew most of their songs. Matt's vocals were a bit hard to hear at times (he seemed just a bit nervous), but I love this band, and they have so much room to grow.
3. Circle II Circle - Zak is a great vocalist and an excellent frontman. I'm not too fond of CIIC on CD, but the Savatage stuff was great, and I was able to sing along there. I appreciate CIIC for allowing us to hear 3 songs from 'tage.
4. Leatherwolf - I didn't really watch much of their performance. Don't want to knock the guys too much, but they weren't really my cup of tea.

Main Event:

1. Freak Kitchen:notworthy :notworthy - The band I was most excited to see did not disappoint. What a great performance. IA worked the crowd and I'd be hard pressed to find more than a handful of people who weren't at least into their PERFORMANCE. I am not worthy of their skill.
2. Epica - great set. I knew their material well, so I was able to sing along. What put them so far up here was their Death cover, which amped up my enjoyment at least threefold.
3. Mercenary - The most intense band of the fest by far. So fucking heavy, I was totally unprepared for their new material to sound so good live (and of course the Everblack and 11 Dreams songs were AWESOME).
4. Pyramaze - Lance King is better live than he is on CD. Other than some goofy things with their set (violin-playing Jawa in the intro? WTF?). The crowd was definitely into this band, and they were so gracious. It was awesome.
5. Jorn - The best vocalist of the fest. He hit every note perfectly. Every song that he did was so on par, I was floored and I didn't even know much of his material. I never got into Ark, so I wasn't disappointed with the lack of Ark songs. Great performance by his entire band (thanks Pagan's Mind!).
6. Evergrey - Awesome job on this marathon set that didn't get started until 12:15 AM. They kept me interested until the very end. The proposals stopped a bit of musical momentum, but they were very special and well done, and I enjoyed them as the great moments they were.
7. Vision Divine - Seventh slot seems to be like I'm starting to not like the bands, but no. VD was great. I didn't know any of their songs (the only band of the fest I hadn't ever heard anything from), but their vocalist was amazing. Everything was great from them, I just went through the motions because I was unfamiliar with their stuff.
8. Savage Circus - I was expecting a bit more from them, but I think Jens did a good job vocally. Big knock for having to check the lyric sheet (I hate it for the guy too). I don't want to knock him too bad, but I've been in that spot before too and I felt like a goon for forgetting lyrics. It's bad. However, Piet (the sweatiest guy on stage) was so fucking bad-ass, I was amazed. I really liked their set, but they were the weakest band on Friday, unfortunately.
9. Thunderstone - They're technically last on my list, but I still liked their set. I wasn't very familiar with their songs, so there was nothing for me to sing along to. The Finnish lesson was an awesome bit of crowd involvement, though. They did quite well.
n/a Zero Hour (didn't see them...it was merch time, sorry guys)
1. Epica - Wow! :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:
2. Mercenary - They Slayed :rock: :rock: :rock:
3. Evergrey - They did it again klller :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy
4. Zero Hour - Who Put The Prog Back in Progpower? ZERO HOUR! Amazing.. :OMG: :OMG: :OMG:
5. Freak Kitchen - Fun Fun Fun... That was a vibrator not a dildo though. :)
6. Vison Divine - Solid
7. Jorn - Solid great musicianship a bit sterile though.
8. Pyramaze
9. Savage Circus - great set but forgetting the lyrics on the finale was disapointing.
10. Theunderstone. Actually better live than I thought they'd be. Kudos

All the bands were great though!!!!!!
1. Circus Maximus
2. Theocracy
3. Circle II Circle
4. Leatherwolf

Main Show
1. Mercenary - They were good at PPIV but so much more energy this time, and Cowboys ruled.
2. Evergrey - WOW what a set list - would've liked 1 or 2 more from Dark Discovery, but then they would've been pushing 3 hours.
3. Vision Divine - Michele Luppe is awesome live - I expected no less
4. Epica - One of two surprises this weekend. I didn't like the music much until hearing them live.
5. Pyramaze - I knew they would be good
6. Freak Kitchen - My second surprise of the weekend, if I was a guitarist instead of a drummer they probably would have been higher.
7. Savage Circus - High power music with lots of energy, great show but other bands were better.
8. Zero Hour - Saw them at PPIII and they were and are awesome musicians, but the music is too hard to get into.
9. Thunderstone - Could get into their music although the crowd seemed to love them.
10. Jorn - Just can't get into the music.

Every band put on a great show - even though I'm not into all the bands. That's why I plan to go every year regardless of who is playing.