Thunderstone -- the forgotten set?

I'm actually surprised to see Trivium in there to be honest. Do you like their new one as well?
I like what I like, no rhyme or reason to it. As for the new one... no. To me, it sounds like unabashed Metallica worship (and not very well done).

Well I honestly can't call Zod weird, because I don't know him.
As long as you buy me a Goose and Bull, you can call me whatever you like.:kickass:

I'm a huge fan of Thunderstone! They were the main band I was looking forward to this year. I think they're great at what they do - catchy, melodic, power metal. I would love to see them again.
As long as you buy me a Goose and Bull, you can call me whatever you like.:kickass:


How can you ruin a good Goose with a Bull? That's almost on par with a Balvenie and Coke. It just ain't right I tells ya! :)

If you're a vodka drinker, and you can get it in your area, I highly recommend Tito's Vodka. (Just not in a Red Bull) :headbang:
Thunderstone, to me, represents an element that should be present at every ProgPower. Sure, they arent the oddball, the reunion, or the big headliner, and they probably won't shock/surprise anyone. They arent extreme cheese or amazingly technical or progressive. They are just straight-forward metal with catchy hooks, heavy riffs, solid vocals and increasingly improved songwriting with each album.

That said, I really enjoyed their entire set. Their music sounded a bit raw and stripped down in comparison to every other band there, which I thought was quite refreshing. They mixed up their set quite nicely and covered most of what I wanted to hear, with exceptions of Another Time, Wasted Years cover, and I was hoping they'd close with The Last Song. Great band, great set. Would love to see them return.
I skipped one band at this past Prog Power .... yep .... Thunderstone. I didn't really skip it on purpose, I just got busy chatting with some of the dudes from Mercenary, and didn't feel the need to drop that to see Thunderstone.

Thunderstone, to me, represents an element that should be present at every ProgPower. Sure, they arent the oddball, the reunion, or the big headliner, and they probably won't shock/surprise anyone. They arent extreme cheese or amazingly technical or progressive. They are just straight-forward metal with catchy hooks, heavy riffs, solid vocals and increasingly improved songwriting with each album. Their music sounded a bit raw and stripped down in comparison to every other band there, which I thought was quite refreshing. Great band, great set. Would love to see them return.

Couldn't have said it any better! I agree 100%
How can you ruin a good Goose with a Bull? That's almost on par with a Balvenie and Coke. It just ain't right I tells ya! :)
A very fair question. Putting Goose in a Red Bull, as opposed to Absolut (or any other crap vodka), seems absurd. However, cheap vodkas make me ill. So, it's worth paying the premium price of Goose, to keep from feeling like shit the next day.

If you're a vodka drinker, and you can get it in your area, I highly recommend Tito's Vodka.
I'm actually not a vodka drinker (not straight vodka). When it comes to high end liquors, I go with either bourbons (Woodford Reserve, Basil Haydens, etc.) or tequilas (Centenario Anejo, Herradura Seleccion Suprema, etc.)

OK...without bashing Zod...whose tastes normally align with mine...and who didn't bother to give the band a chance due to his initial dislike, I will make the following comments...

1 -- I thought the crowd response to Thunderstone was pretty I wrong?

2 -- In response to bands that don't "wow" you...I didn't really give a crap about VD (to me, their albums are "eh")...but I stuck around for their set...and it was totally kick ass...totally proved me wrong about the band. Still wouldn't buy their albums, but would totally check them out live again, and, more importantly, recommend them to friends who would be inclined toward their style of music.

3 -- I think it's weird that Thunderstone has been the "under the radar" band this year, when they fit the mold so well...

Obviously, I'm biased...but I thought they kicked ass and thanked them profusely for their set, for which they seemed very grateful and proud...nice bunch of guys...

Rock on!
Thunderstone, to me, represents an element that should be present at every ProgPower. Sure, they arent the oddball, the reunion, or the big headliner, and they probably won't shock/surprise anyone. They arent extreme cheese or amazingly technical or progressive. They are just straight-forward metal with catchy hooks, heavy riffs, solid vocals and increasingly improved songwriting with each album.

That said, I really enjoyed their entire set. Their music sounded a bit raw and stripped down in comparison to every other band there, which I thought was quite refreshing. They mixed up their set quite nicely and covered most of what I wanted to hear, with exceptions of Another Time, Wasted Years cover, and I was hoping they'd close with The Last Song. Great band, great set. Would love to see them return.

I agree, and it appears as if Firwind will fit the mold this year. I am fine with that...
I'm just altogether PISSED off that I missed the festival this year. I bought CD's for the bands I was not familiar with (which included Thunderstone) and loved them. After looking forward to PPVII for an entire year I had to miss it! Even if all the bands suck next year (which they are not going to gived the current line-up) I'm gonna have double fun cuz I didn't have any this year.

Sorry I'm done pouting
Thunderstone, to me, represents an element that should be present at every ProgPower. Sure, they arent the oddball, the reunion, or the big headliner, and they probably won't shock/surprise anyone. They arent extreme cheese or amazingly technical or progressive. They are just straight-forward metal with catchy hooks, heavy riffs, solid vocals and increasingly improved songwriting with each album.

That said, I really enjoyed their entire set. Their music sounded a bit raw and stripped down in comparison to every other band there, which I thought was quite refreshing. They mixed up their set quite nicely and covered most of what I wanted to hear, with exceptions of Another Time, Wasted Years cover, and I was hoping they'd close with The Last Song. Great band, great set. Would love to see them return.
My thoughts exactly. Can't really add to it. Enjoyed them immensely, bought another cd as soon as I got back, would love to see them again.