New Mac Day!


I Prefer EL-34s. So What?
Feb 21, 2006
So I have been hooked on Macs since buying a Mac Mini not too long ago. My tablet PC crapped out the other day, so I figured what better to replace it than a MacBook?

Got it for a good price, just mad that I didn't realize this model was only upgradeable to 2gb RAM. For $50 I could have got one with a faster processor and 4gb of RAM.

Ah well it wil work good for what I will be doing with it.

Just wondering was this thing supposed to come with a remote control? I thought all the 17in MacBook Pros did, but the seller says it never had one.

I paid $850 on the bay, it's a 2.16ghz with 2gb ram, and it has one of the faster HDs in it. This was teh only one on Ebay in that price range that didn't have problems listed in the description.
When they updated the MBPs in the early part of 2008, they dropped the remote.
I swapped mine for the newer ones at that time, and lost my remote cause of the swap.
Another thing I just realized, I have no OS X disk..... Just asked the seller and he says he doesn't have one and never did, yet I find that hard to believe since it was a fresh install when I turned this thing on.

Out of curiosity, if I buy the $29.99 Snow Leopard, will I be good to go or is that just an upgrade disk? Or can I use the software that came with my Mac Mini? Pardon the questions, I'm a Mac newb still...
Another thing I just realized, I have no OS X disk..... Just asked the seller and he says he doesn't have one and never did, yet I find that hard to believe since it was a fresh install when I turned this thing on.

Out of curiosity, if I buy the $29.99 Snow Leopard, will I be good to go or is that just an upgrade disk? Or can I use the software that came with my Mac Mini? Pardon the questions, I'm a Mac newb still...

Get the $30 Snow Leopard, you will get a disk.
Make sure that it is compatible with all your software, there are still bugs with 3rd party apps...

EDIT, wow I just noticed this was my first post since joining.
i know a few of the macs RAM can still be upgraded its just that apple doesnt directly say it...go to and see if they have upgrade options for ur mac
I have the same generation of MBP and mine didn't come with a remote, and I got it directly from Apple.

I wouldn't recommend upgrading to Snow Leopard, I had nothing but problems with plugins and eventually reverted back to Leopard.
I fairly certain you can download a Leopard disk online somewhere. It would legal to use since you have the Mac hardware (I think?....)
I fairly certain you can download a Leopard disk online somewhere. It would legal to use since you have the Mac hardware (I think?....)

I'm pretty sure that's not true, that's like getting a computer without an operating system and justifying downloading Windows because you have the hardware to run it
I'm pretty sure that's not true, that's like getting a computer without an operating system and justifying downloading Windows because you have the hardware to run it
Naah that is different.
A mac always comes with the OS. I don't know wether you can download it from, though.
btw, I wouldn't buy Snow Leopard, or at least not now.
mac ships every computer with 2 instal disks for that computer only. The owner is lying if he says that there was no disk. however, Im pretty sure that this comp would have originally shipped with tiger if it only has a max of 2 gb ram. It must be a 2006 model, maybe he was trying to trick you into thinking its newer than it is? did he say it shipped with leopard?

check your serial, if its like w6 something, or g6, then its a 2006 model. if its says w7 whatever, than its a 2007 model.

I used to work for apple care. they can send you a disk for very cheap (like 25 bucks) If you call in and give them your serial number, they can look into the past repairs of the computer, and ship you the original install disks for your computer. sometimes they are nice enough to send it for free.

If they say you are not eligible for support, lie and say you bought snow leopard which will make you eligible for 90 days free technical support :)

edit: nope, there is no downloadable version of the os. I wish! would have made my job so much easier! I got so pissed at retards who didnt back up all their important business information, then would blame me cuz they lost everything haha.

if you upgrade to s.l, just make sure to d/l all the latest drivers for your peripherals!

you will need the disk for resetting your password, booting to single user and system admin.
If he doesn't give you the install discs, he can't say it has an OS. It's a normal procedure when selling Macs. If the seller can't give you legit, original install discs, the Mac shouldn't have an OS installed at all.