New Macbook Pro's

ze kink

So who's going to upgrade? I am, at least. My Early '08 Macbook Pro is restricting my creativity already, as I'm running out of processing power quite often. I'd like to commit later especially when I'm composing my own music.

Edit: The final specs have now been released, and the models are up for sale in the Apple Store as well:
I've been wanting to buy a MacBook Pro since the end of last year, but I've been waiting until the new ones came. Can't wait till to come and I can dump my shitty desktop pc.
So who's going to upgrade? I am, at least. My Early '08 Macbook Pro is restricting my creativity already, as I'm running out of processing power quite often. I'd like to commit later especially when I'm composing my own music.

The specs have leaked already, and I guess the main interesting points are these:
- Sandy Bridge processors on all models; dual core i5's in 13" MBP's, true quad core i7's in 15" and 17" MBP's.
- High resolution displays in all models, anti-glare is now offered in the higher end 13" model as well.
- Intel's Light Peak is introduced in all models, the name's changed to Thunderbolt though.
- AMD graphics instead of Nvidia.

why not use the SAME amount of money and buy a mac pro. They are way way faster then any macbook pro commin out.
Your 2008 mbp is still perfect for tracking and stuff.
Damn I use a 2006 mbp for mobile recordings without problems
Thinking about selling my 2009 dual 2.26 whilst it's still worth anything!
did you guys not see the Thunderbolt stuff? 10Gbps transfer is (hopefully) going to change our industry. no more fucking latency, no drop outs.

lets hope it actually gets used instead of ignored like FW800 did.
Once it becomes more popular I'm sure USB/FW will be slowly phased out by most every company using them today. I mean this is the first time it's being used on the consumer level on a product AFAIK, it's only a matter of time until everyone sees it in action for themselves and understands how much it owns USB/FW.
did you guys not see the Thunderbolt stuff? 10Gbps transfer is (hopefully) going to change our industry. no more fucking latency, no drop outs.

lets hope it actually gets used instead of ignored like FW800 did.

Yeah, that was my immediate response as well. No hassle latency free recording will be such a welcomed change.
I'm a bit confused. The Intel website indicates that Thunderbolt is "compatible with existing DisplayPort devices," while the Apple site indicates Thunderbolt is being "first introduced on the new MacBook Pros."

Is the mini displayport on my current MBP Thunderbolt-compatible or no? Does everyone have to buy a new MBP in order to use Thunderbolt?