New Machine Head track "Halo"


Apr 8, 2006
Hamburg, Germany
Just saw a little rehearsal video featuring snippets of a new MH song called "Halo". And if that is what the new MH-album will sound like, it'll be the first MH record I will buy since Burn My Eyes!

Absolutely great. Shits all over the competition (like Lamb Of God, Trivium, As I Lay Dying, etc.) ... of course that's highly subjective, but I am stoked!

Go over to to check it out!
poo, cant get the links to work on my mac!!!!! grrr.

I got it to work... Click the videolink in the media section. A htmlcode page will appear with the correct adress like:
<ahref "'t remember if this is the right one)
cameltoe said:
I didnt like TTAOE but enjoyed TBR so go figure...

You know what? I think every MH record has good and not so good songs on it!
They evolve, change, try stuff, sometimes they fail but most of the time the just rock!

I have the feeling that everyone out there says "ooohhhh dude, BME was their best record" because everybody says that...
It's the same with Metallica everyone seems to love KEA and MOP and hates every other album but how could they get that big if noone likes their other Albums???

Alles dummes Geschwätz!!!