New Manowar DVD


Jan 16, 2004
Colorado Springs, CO
Okay - I know there's a couple of us out there - the few, the proud, the ManOwar fans. So, any thoughts on the new dvd? At first I was disappointed with the sound - and was thinking WTF - this is Manowar - how can this be - then I checked my speaker settings and ROOOOOAAAARRR - all was good in the world :)
I, for one, really appreaciate that they went out of their way to go over the top on this show :) The orchestra, the chior, the extra cheeze :) I loved seeing shots of the choir singing, throwing the horns - reminded me of the tuxedo'd Therion singers :)
There were some notable exeptions to the setlist (no Gates of Valhalla, ummm okay - it's a fan club type show WTF guys) BUT seing all the old guys back - and the finale of Battle Hymn was freaking brilliant.
Havent watched the disc with all the fan club stuff on it - I was supposed to go to this thing but the ex was still recovering from some serious medical shit and i couldnt leave even tho' she told em to. In a way I'm glad, coz although it is cool to see them on video playing in front of big crowd, I'm spoiled with the club/theatre shows and being able to talk to them afterwards/

So? Anyone else get this yet? I got mine for 27 bux at Best Buy, but they only had like 1 copy on release day.

Waiting on your two cents,
Well as much as I'd love to see it - I kinda doubt it. They do play the States infrequently enuff to qualify but I dunno how well they'd go over. On the other hand - we as fans can always put together another Manowar weekend like back in Chicago a few years back. Shows both nights and they played what 3.5-4 hours each night? That was freaking awesome - the band had a blast and the fans had even more fun. You know you're having fun when the band is saying "you guys have a nicer hotel than we do", you can crash a navy and/or a high school reunion (memory is a bit fuzzy, but the people were a blast) and you wake up in (hopefully) your room with a bunch of people from other countries & states crashed all around your room :)

I have some MANOWAR tour news that I'm just dying to spill, but I can't yet until it's officially announced. I think all of you will be pleased.

As for the point of this thread, I haven't had a chance to get the new DVD yet, but I'm dying to see it because I'm sick of all of this controversy with the Earthshaker festival. I want to view the live DVD and judge for myself.

I am happy that we haven't had any naysayer posts in this thread yet. I hope we don't have to hash out this debate anymore. I don't care how many people hate Manowar, I have been and always will be a staunch defender of the band and their music.

I've seen them six times stateside and I had to travel long distances for each one. My goal for 2007 is to see them play in Germany somewhere. Anyone want to go with me and wave an American flag? :)
OH and as for Manowar playing ProgPower ... let's just say having had a couple of conversations with Glenn on that very subject, I think it's quite safe to say that if Manowar headlines ProgPower, hell will have officially frozen over.
I have some MANOWAR tour news that I'm just dying to spill, but I can't yet until it's officially announced. I think all of you will be pleased.

As for the point of this thread, I haven't had a chance to get the new DVD yet, but I'm dying to see it because I'm sick of all of this controversy with the Earthshaker festival. I want to view the live DVD and judge for myself.

I am happy that we haven't had any naysayer posts in this thread yet. I hope we don't have to hash out this debate anymore. I don't care how many people hate Manowar, I have been and always will be a staunch defender of the band and their music.

I've seen them six times stateside and I had to travel long distances for each one. My goal for 2007 is to see them play in Germany somewhere. Anyone want to go with me and wave an American flag? :)

Munich March 23rd!!!!!
I just got the Sons of Odin mini album yesterday!! There is a live version of King of Kings on there, can somebody tell me where the studio version is or is it an upcoming album deal?

*edit* Nevermind they are from the upcoming album Gods of War
I haven't gotten it yet, but I will. MANOWAR is one of my all time favorite bands. Then and now. Naysayers be damned! Hail and kill!!!

Same here! I haven't got the DVD yet either, but I saw a promo for it with the 3 drumsets and Ross The Boss up front kicking ass! I can't wait to see it! Hail And Kill!!
I have some MANOWAR tour news that I'm just dying to spill, but I can't yet until it's officially announced. I think all of you will be pleased.

I've seen them six times stateside and I had to travel long distances for each one. My goal for 2007 is to see them play in Germany somewhere. Anyone want to go with me and wave an American flag? :)[/QUO

howdy Roomie LOL :headbang: Depending on when they are playing over there I will probably be game. I will prolly be inthe UK & Romania during April - which should be safe - they wouldnt prolly play Germany until summertime anyway. Of course - my availability will be dependent on how things go working at the orphanage in Romania (doing a little penance for the trouble I will no doubt get into in the UK lol) - hopefully I won't get pulled in by some little orphans and decide to chuck everything over here and just stay there lol.

The DVD is pretty kickass, and hopefully Karl is recovered from his bike accident and they get the damn tunes out to us quickly. I too will always be a staunch supporter of the band - as they have always treated me with thankfullness and even respect.
Germany huh, wonder if they'll play anywhere near Oberammergau/Garmisch area - I lived there for a while as a kid - would love to go back :)

I'm not sure if it was my new DLP tv or the DVD but the video quality was amazing. I also found the DVD quite useful in re-evaluating my sound settings which has made significant improvements in sound quality for movies etc. It was great to see Glory Of Achilies and Battle Hymn played live especially with the former members of the band.

However, I must say I continue to be disappointed with Karl Logan's guitar sound. His guitar sound comes across more electronic (artificial?) than electric. The sound does not go well with Manowar and needs to be dealt with. They should have had the former members play on each song that they were a part of. I for one would love to hear Ross The Boss kick some ass on songs like Kings Of Metal.

I also missed not hearing songs like Carry On, Fighting The World, Courage, Master Of The Wind, Defender, I Believe, etc.

I still need to check out the bonus material but overall this DVD kicks ass if you're a Manowar fan.