New Megadeth CD Cover

TRrEiTxIxRiE DTrash

New Metal Member
Apr 14, 2001

Ok, let me get this straight. Part of the reason they leave Capital is because they wouldn't let them use Vic and the old logo anymore, etc. So they bring him and the great logo back for their final best-of with that label.

Then they go to Sanctuary, they have awesome classic 'Deth artwork on A World Needs A Hero, then a BRUTAL looking remake of the Killing Is My Business cover (I prefer the original just coz I like original stuff, but that new one is AWESOME)....

Then they release a live album.... and put a photo of a man falling off a building on a bed, no Megadeth logo or anything.


It looks like the cover of the soundtrack of a movie like The Matrix or something, not a metal album!

*Shakes head*

I know the cover isn't really important lol, but I'm just baffled as to why they would have such an obviously crap cover on a LIVE album.

How about a picture of Vic burning the stage or something? That would rock and tie in with Megadeth finishing lol. Something METAL and cool like that would've been nice.
Yeah it's crap.
For their entire career, Megadeth has been in Metallica's shadow. Finally, as Metallica drifts into obscurity as far as metal goes, Megadeth had a chance to top them – and the release of their long awaited first live album was the perfect opportunity.

Then some dickhead decides to use a screen shot form the Enter Sandman video as the cover? :confused:

When I first saw this topic, I thought you meant they had changed the cover to something new. I still think they should, 'cos it would sell better if it didn't look so gay, irrespective of the music.
Originally posted by The Trooper

How about a picture of Vic burning the stage or something? That would rock and tie in with Megadeth finishing lol.

Megadeth wouldn't have finished had this album been successful.
Oooooh controversial. CON. TRO. VER. SIAL. Sydo calls a spade a spade right there folks :) ;)
An injured arm is just too convienient. I think his pride has been injured more than anything.
The first thing I thought when I saw that album cover was "Enter Sandman".

It makes it all the more sad - Mustaine going out with a crappy produced CD and a Metallica rip-off cover. However, a lot of people think that it was done on purpose - you know, Mustaine admitting to the fact that he could never outdo Metallica so it was a nod back to them....

Worse still, I wouldn't be surprised if Dave Mustaine died of an overdose in the next 12 months...I'm not trying to sound nasty, but the man is most definately in a world of depression. You don't just pack up and sell all your guitars for nothing - and he slides back into his heroin habit so easily (as he admitted on his VH-1 special).
I actually think it has much more to do with him wanting to spend time with his family myself.....
I heard that when he went to the dentist the guy gave him morphine without realising he was a former addict and so he went to rehab etc. I dont know, most of the stuff you hear on the net is bullshit, so ill believe its family reasons before I believe anything else!

Selling his guitars means nothing, Jackson would give him all new ones as soon as he wants them anyway!!

About the cover, I didnt think Enter Sandman at all until everyone started saying it :lol: I just figured the person in the bed was having a rude awakening, and that was the point. The cover sucks anyway, I agree :D
Did you see the VH-1 behind the music special? Dave was on heroin all the friggin time! Hearing the other band members, like Marty, explain how the lowest point was missing the opportunity to play at the Budokan was pretty sad don't you think? All because Dave was injecting again. Addiction is a huge sign of depression.
Yeah, but I think he is just tired of being away from home, he said in an interview that he left home for the WNAH tour and his daughter was 2, then when he got back, she was 3, so he missed a whole year of her life, stuff like that would really weigh on your mind after a while. THAT would be what was depressing him id say :)
What about your own fans going public and saying your album sucks? That too would be pretty depressing.
True, but you would have developed a VERY thick skin after 20 years in the biz, I mean everyones been saying Metallica sucks for the last 10 years, and they dont care :D
"Mustaine admitting to the fact that he could never outdo Metallica so it was a nod back to them...."

He could outdo Metallica though, and did. Rust In Peace outdoes Metallica alone heheh. And the fact that Megadeth were releasing Youthanasia, Hidden Treasures, Cryptic Writings and The World Needs A Hero while Metallica were releasing Load and Reload and S&M and stuff also outdoes them I think heh.

This new album cover just baffles me. WHY WHY WHY! *Shakes head* You'd think he'd wanna go out on top at least.
Oh and also I think if he keeps worrying about living up to Metallica, as is being implied, he is making himself live in their shadow.

The only way not to live in their shadow is to do his own thing and forget about outdoing them or living up to them. It shouldn't matter.