New Megadeth - Kick the Chair

Wow, I really like this song! The unofficial video accompanying it is also great. My only "complaint" is that the theme is almost 100% that of Metallica's ...And Justice For All. Now who is stealing from whom? ;)
I kinda find the song a bit boring and unflavored, but I guess I'm so spoiled by symphony x's amazing composition. It's still a lot better than metallica's st. anger at least. Maybe the rest of the album has better composition. The solos on kick the chair aren't that great, and lack emotion and feel imo. Maybe if it had more shredding and dynamics it would be better.
What do you guys think about the remasters of "Holy Wars" and "Set the World Afire"?

Te biggest improvement seems to be on the drums and vocals(added backup) in "Holy Wars". "Set the World..." Is a lot clearer but lost some power, too bad, as that is my favorite Megadeth song.
bball_1523 said:
I kinda find the song a bit boring and unflavored, but I guess I'm so spoiled by symphony x's amazing composition. It's still a lot better than metallica's st. anger at least. Maybe the rest of the album has better composition. The solos on kick the chair aren't that great, and lack emotion and feel imo. Maybe if it had more shredding and dynamics it would be better.
In all honesty Symphony X has the same song composition at least 90% of the time. Intro, Verse, Chorus, Verse, Chorus, Solo, Chorus.

Maybe you should listen to the song again because I varied riffing and the solo has some cool harmonies on it. But hey, that is just me.
Gonfeldurok said:
What do you guys think about the remasters of "Holy Wars" and "Set the World Afire"?

Te biggest improvement seems to be on the drums and vocals(added backup) in "Holy Wars". "Set the World..." Is a lot clearer but lost some power, too bad, as that is my favorite Megadeth song.
I really like how they backed off the reverb on STWA. Now you can actually hear what is going on, even if it is sloppy, who cares, it just feels so much more real. Holy Wars didn't seem that much different to me, the solos seem boosted, which I normally like, but in Marty's case you can hear the sloppiness of his picking. It's still cool though, makes it feel more live.

As for kick the chair, it is awesome. I think this album is going to kick so much ass. This is going to be all Dave this time, no influence from producers or whatever to try to make it more appealing to a certain audience. Check out the clip of BTU on the site too, another awesome piece. And I hear Dead Die Enough is going to kick all our asses to the floor.

Dave's involvement with the fans is unbelieveable too. He averages over 2 posts per day on that forum.

Super stoked about this album!!!:hotjump:
bball_1523 said:
I kinda find the song a bit boring and unflavored, but I guess I'm so spoiled by symphony x's amazing composition. It's still a lot better than metallica's st. anger at least. Maybe the rest of the album has better composition. The solos on kick the chair aren't that great, and lack emotion and feel imo. Maybe if it had more shredding and dynamics it would be better.
Spoken like a true, stuck-up prog nerd. Seriously, i couldn't have made fun of you any better... you just epidomized everything i dislike about prog nerds. Congrats!