New Melechesh + my incredible popularity


May 2, 2003
Fortress of Arrogance
Has anyone heard the new Melechesh album "Emissaries" yet? I'm looking forward to getting it since their catalogue thus far has been pretty fucking solid.

And, am I the most popular person on this whole fuckin' forum? Judging by these fancy new "rep points" I'd say I must be in the running. :lol:
I heard a couple of songs live, and they were great! Possibly better than the old stuff!

Mind, I'd never heard any of it before the show at all.
Didn't Int have full rep before it got deleted?
Anyways, yeah, Melechesh are have got a decent thing going on, but I was never that into them, so I don't think I'll bother checking out the new material.
I think the new album is very solid upon first listen. Their sound is definitely maturing and tightening up compared to previous releases in my opinion. The Middle Eastern influence also seems to flow easily into the music without it sounding forced. For me it's definitely their best release.
Yeah, that's a really good CD. I think I already mentioned that I like it in the "Talk About Music You Like" thread. They are one of the few bands other than Nile who write the majority of their riffs in the middle eastern scale. Nile does it in a death metal context, and Melechesh does it in a black metal context.
Décadent;5560063 said:
Melechesh has a lot of death metal influence though.
Which is one of the things that makes them so good. I like a little death or thrash influence in black metal, since it makes it more interesting than any band playing Transylvanian Hunger style bm, which I don't like all that much.
Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. I remember Belphegor as being a good example of a band who claim to take heavy influence from both black and death metal, and achieving nothing interesting in the process. These guys have a unique stylistic approach going for them, so that whether they utilise a death metal riff or a black metal riff, they keep the same middle-eastern vibe about them.
I actually quite like the new Belphegor. Sure, it's nothing amazing, but still makes for an enjoyable listen. I listened to it again yesterday at work. It's actually good music to work to, since it's catchy and well executed, but not deep enough or interesting enough to distract you from the task at hand.
I actually quite like the new Belphegor. Sure, it's nothing amazing, but still makes for an enjoyable listen. I listened to it again yesterday at work. It's actually good music to work to, since it's catchy and well executed, but not deep enough or interesting enough to distract you from the task at hand.

Same here. Just good ole fashioned black metal.
You must be cheating. If you are, then.....


Nice Myspace page there. You have TWO friends. Admittedly it is incredibly difficult to find friends on Myspace especially when you make really good music. :rolleyes:
Amount of Myspace friends you have = how great your music is.

Which means your music is fucking shite, and you are a penis.

Lick mine, cunt.

And new Melechesh fucking rules, I've got it now and it's superb.
Nice Myspace page there. You have TWO friends. Admittedly it is incredibly difficult to find friends on Myspace especially when you make really good music. :rolleyes:
Amount of Myspace friends you have = how great your music is.

Which means your music is fucking shite, and you are a penis.

Lick mine, cunt.

And new Melechesh fucking rules, I've got it now and it's superb.

erm yeah, I just made that page about three days ago. And there is an annoying ad given to me by a bullshit spyware converting program in the middle of my song.