New member here


Dec 10, 2007
Hi all!

Just wanted to say hi and share my thoughts and feelings about the band we all love so much.

When I first heard the album Still about 8 months ago I was in awe. Inspiring music, great atmosphere and playing... the vocals were so moving. I remember thinking to myself that I was one lucky s.o.b to have found this band. These guys deserve some serious recognition.

Well that's it for now I'll check back often, have a good one!:Smokin:
Hey brother (or sister?)!I'm Bianka and I'm also a huge Wolverine fan...
It's very nice to see you here and read your kind words!
These chaps are indeed stellar in every sense of the word.
Welcome aboard!
Hello Bianka!

Thanks for giving me a warm welcome! I have to say I'm a bit dissapointed that there aren't any more members here talking and having fun. Oh well, it's gonna change isn't it? I mean... at least we're one more aboard if you count me in. :headbang:

By the way.. I'm a dude, the name's Patrik and I was born and raised in a small town in Sweden. Studying to become a teacher, also I have a big fascination for religion (and music of course).

Please tell me some more about you!

Have a great day!
Tackar tackar för allt välkomnande!

Nädu här e det inte blask, men lite blött och väldigt kallt. Långkalsongerna på och halsduken som en rånarluva.

Nyfiken som man är... hur går det med musiken, blir det någon ny musik?

Tänkte att det kunde vara häftigt om ni, liksom t.ex. Evergrey, hade några bloggar om hur saker och ting fortgår... även om inget musikaliskt hände så hade det varit kul att få interagera och kommentera om allt möjligt som kanske händer om dagarna. Eller så har ni så tråkiga liv att de inte är värda att blogga om... :p

Oavsett svar... tackar ödmjukast för all er vackra musik so far. Lyssnar just nu på "taste of sand" och det är fortfarande en av de snyggaste låtarna jag hört (vilken känsla i sången)... nog med skryt nu :) Sköt om er!
Nyfiken som man är... hur går det med musiken, blir det någon ny musik?

Tänkte att det kunde vara häftigt om ni, liksom t.ex. Evergrey, hade några bloggar om hur saker och ting fortgår... även om inget musikaliskt hände så hade det varit kul att få interagera och kommentera om allt möjligt som kanske händer om dagarna. Eller så har ni så tråkiga liv att de inte är värda att blogga om... :p

Musiken kommer sakta men säkert. Vi har en hel del "skelett" klara nu. Tyvärr (om man nu kan säga så...) är det så att alla i bandet jobbar eller pluggar vilket gör att komponerandet inte går riktigt så snabbt som vi vill. Å andra sidan tror jag att det har en positiv effekt på kvalitén eftersom vi inte hafsar ihop ngt.

Ngn blogg tror jag inte det blir. Jag har försökt ett par ggr men i slutändan blir det alltid så att man inte skriver på flera veckor och då känns det meningslöst. Att skriva om bandet när vi komponerar i den takt vi gör skulle bli ganska tråkigt... Däremot kan jag tycka att Marcus borde starta en blogg. Han komponerar och spelar in ganska mycket på egen hand så det hade t.o.m varit intressant för mig att få följa... :)
Ja jag vet många band som säger samma sak, och jag tror kvalitén blir högre om man lyssnar med lite fräscha öron på ens eget material så att säga.

Sorry, should write in english... I totally get what you mean about blogging, I've had the same difficulties. May I ask what you guys are working as or what you are studying? Myself I'm trying to become a teacher.

One last thing, I would really, really appreciate if you OR anyone else around here would tab any of your songs. I have not been able to do it myself that well and I could need some help... love playing guitar in the evenings but I'm unfortunately not that good... yet. :)

In case I don't come back saturday or sunday.... I wish the band and everyone else a merry christmas!

Hello again Patrik.
I have a blog at my myspace page.
I will try to be more frequent there :)
I can also try to tab some song, there are two songs that can be found on the internet that has been tabbed
by some italian guy (towards loss and ... from the window purpose album), they require that you download
a program called PowerTab which is free but very good.
Hi drummer boy! :p

I've checked them out and I really liked the tabs... but I'm dying to play "hiding" and "taste of sand" so IF you would be so kind I would be greatly thankfull. I hope you'll have the time to do it.

Anyhow, thnx a lot and happy holidays!
that's cool! We need more compasionate cops in this country. Heck, we need more compasionate everything in this country. So how's it going so far? When will you be finished?
Hey Patrik,so sorry I took this ridiculous amount of time to reply to your message.I have to admit I have been really bad at the internet thing lately :oops:

Well,more about me then....I'm brazilian but been living here in Sweden for almost a year where I'm married to sir Marcus Losbjer.I go to school to learn Swedish(for that matter I sometimes wish I had married someone from Spain :rolleyes: ) and slowly adapting to a whole new culture...and weather!
It's been an exciting process though and I'm happy to be here.

I'd like to wish you and everyone on this forum a productive year ahead filled with great vibes and achievements in every possible aspect!

Oh how cool Bia!

I have to say that our weather and culture are probably the worst things about this country... I sometimes wonder what the good aspects are, heh, I don't fit in that well... or I should say, on the outside it looks like I'm fitting in perfectly but on the inside I'm not that happy about this country.

So what's your feelings about the swedish people in general? Hope it's better than me... :)
Hi, didnt want to start a new thread altogether so writing here. i am also a new member...actually not a new member, been reading these forums since a while, now finally got the courage to post for the first time. Just wanted to say hi to the band members and everyone else here...
I have been a huge Wolverine fan since the past few years. the first song i heard was leaving yesterday in a friend's car and i totally loved it. and since then, i am totally hooked with your music. great band! very unfortunately, availabilty of the original cds of wolverine in the country i live in is almost nill.
Anyway, i believe you guys are superb! from fervent dreams to still, your music has advanced so very much and every album is different from the other. you guys are definitely underrated and i agree you deserve some serious recognition all over the world. Definitely the first in my top 5 favourite bands.
I hope someday i have enough money to travel and see you guys perform live.
All the best,