Hmmm... I can see your point - I myself personally think that Fred Durst is an egotistical, untalented twerp with zero lyric-writing ability and the good fortune to be surrounded by quite talented musicians (John Otto is a great drummer, while Wes Borland's guitar work is on the right side of adequate). However, don't write off all the so-called 'metal boy-bands' completely.
I listen to Cannibal Corpse, Nasum, Napalm Death, Morbid Angel, Katatonia, Opeth, and other bands at the more extreme end of the scene. I also listen the The Offspring, Blink-182, Less Than Jake and other ska/pop - punk bands. I can dig Faith No More and Mr Bungle, and I actually own all of Limp Bizkit's albums, Linkin Park's debut and Papa Roach's 'Infest' disc.
I consider the nu-metal/melodic/rap-rock bands to be an important stepping stone into 'proper' metal. Let's face it, if you take someone constantly surrounded by Backstreet Boys and N-Sync and make them listen to a Nile record, you're gonna put them off metal for life. So, introduce them to Linkin Park. Hook them with commercial rock first, and then slowly build up until they join the rest of us hardcore metalheads and bolster the underground metal scene!
Also, all bands have something to offer for someone. I still listen to my nu-metal and rap-rock records occasionally - sometimes, even the most dedicated death-metaller tires of blast-beats.