New Member!!!


Scavenger Of Human Sorrow
Its about time Steve got his own forum!!!!!
Im glad I found this place....
I've been reading the posts and threads and it seems like a very cool place (to interact with Steve and other bassists/metalers)

Little bit about myself I suppose :)

NAME:Zac Schaffer
FROM:Southern California
Iron Maiden
Iced Earth (Some IE fans wont listen to Control Denied Or Death Cause Steve plays on them...but thats their fuckin loss
And a very stupid move on their part
I guess everyone is entitled to be an idiot)
Control Denied
King Diamond
Mercyful Fate

Ive been playing bass for 3 years now
I play every single day for hours
Metal is my specialty I suppose but I play jazz/classical stuff as well,I love the instrument and I'll post some of my playing soon!

Steve Harris
Steve DiGiorgio
Geddy Lee
Joey De'Maio (Gnarly cheese factor there...but Joey fuckin rips on one sounds like him!)

I just wanted to say whats up to Steve and all members on this forum
I hope I can have some great metal/music discussions here
And get to know you all

Until then
Hi :)

That whole IE/Steve thing was news to me a few days ago, but then again I only just started to get into IE last week. Just another band where Steve has probably pissed off the bassist, in that now they have to play his stuf. I have felt bad for bassists joining bands that Steve was in, take Death for example. Those songs are hard enough to play as it is, the bassist must be like 'man, I have to play those songs and play those bass lines?? Damn...' :lol: Not good for stress levels :lol:

And what, no Les Claypool in your list of bass players??!! :mad:

:D :lol:
Hey wicked>>>come back to YOUR forum, weve been callin it teh CAVE, cause there are only 4 of us there, and no updates.

Good to see ya here too