New Metal Head Onboard!

Oscar Zulu

New Metal Member
Nov 1, 2002
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Hey, everyone. I've been lurking for about 4 days now and like what see. Some great posts here at UM, especially the reviews. Metal Heads are hard to find these days, so it's hard to get turned on to new tunes.

It all started when my brother, five years older than me, turned me onto KISS, AC/DC, Rush, etc. back in the late '70s (I'll never forget dad coming into my room when I was 11 and snatching my brothers Dirty Deeds album off the turntable, screaming "What is this SHIT!" and breaking it :lol:...Big Balls was blaring :D! . After he moved out I'd buy records with cool artwork. Then I started fartin' around with the guitar and found "GUITAR" magazine that turned me onto shit. The guitar didn't go anywhere (no patience) and I quite buying the mag quite a few years ago. Then I started surfing the web ;) and the websites for the bands I dug and they would turn me on to more shit. Last week it hit me...GOOGLE search ("heavy metal message board")! After lurking at a few boards, I decided this one was it, and here I am.

So far, your review forum has turned me onto Opeth and Soilwork. Two bands that I no way in hell would have found on my own....

Thanks, and here's looking forward to many posts!

Aren't big brothers great?? Mine got me into metal as well :notworthy. And I love how almost every new member seems to mention Opeth :rock: :rock:.

Continue enjoying the forums :)
you guys are lucky. I am the only one in my family who likes metal. I had all sisters though and they listen to sissy music. I found metal through the concert shirts I saw around at school, back when I was a loner (oh wait, I am still a loner :lol: ). I did have a few friends that liked goth and a bit of metal with it, so I wasn't entirely unlucky, but it was real hard to find music that I liked and I am still trying to add more tunes to my list.
Big brothers DO rock. And it also rocks when you start listening to way heavier stuff than they do and then they commend you for it (along with asking if the stuff is good or not)...heh.
I pronounce it "oh-PETH", with the capital letters emphasised. As for "Åkerfeldt" I really don't know, but there was a thread on the Opeth forum about it yesterday.