New Metalcore Track NEED CRITIQUES!


Oct 8, 2013
So I just finished up mixing a pre-production for a friend of mine's band. Just curious as to opinions of the production quality. The guitarist was being a little lazy so please excuse the mediocre playing at certain parts.

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Pretty cool riffs! I thnk you've used way too much gain the guitars though, if thats not the sound you're looking for.
Pretty cool riffs! I thnk you've used way too much gain the guitars though, if thats not the sound you're looking for.

Yeah I definitely agree with you about the guitars. I don't particularly care for that guitar tone for music I would write but the band I was tracking seemed to like a more gainy tone. They are like a Hardcore/Metalcore band after all. I'm going to be trying to post up just about everything I record and some stuff I personally write so hopefully I can get each recording sounding better and better every post. THANKS FOR HAVING A LISTEN!
I strongly disagree with the concept of using Joey presets - he is taking the schmucks for a ride lol. Your tone is good just back off the gain. Kit sounds good too
I haven't bought them so I don't know if they have anything besides a screamer/amp/cab/pre combination... but if they don't, then what's the point? I feel like this "pre-mixed" thing is getting out of hand: Pre-mixed drum samples made sense to me, but then pre-mixed bass? and pod patches? and FX packs for reverse snares? Like "add water and wait 5 minutes for post-hardcore mix." It's becoming way to self-indulgent... I feel like no one is putting the effort to explore and discover what works for them. Just open pod farm and bounce the same di with multiple amp/cab combos for a/b-ing?
I haven't bought them so I don't know if they have anything besides a screamer/amp/cab/pre combination... but if they don't, then what's the point? I feel like this "pre-mixed" thing is getting out of hand: Pre-mixed drum samples made sense to me, but then pre-mixed bass? and pod patches? and FX packs for reverse snares? Like "add water and wait 5 minutes for post-hardcore mix." It's becoming way to self-indulgent... I feel like no one is putting the effort to explore and discover what works for them. Just open pod farm and bounce the same di with multiple amp/cab combos for a/b-ing?
Thank fuck someone else who thinks this is fucking crazy! Next people will be buying Joey eq presets
Next people will be buying Joey eq presets

Dude, with match eq I wouldn't be surprised at this point :zzz: I just hope the fad goes away before I see people selling breakdowns the way people sell beats :yuk:
It's basically a TS - Amp - Cab - EQ - Comp in his presets. Nothing special but can be good as a starting point for someone new to mixing. It's nowhere near pre-mixed so you need to do some post EQ to it. I perosnally prefer my own presets since i've made them to sound good with my own guitars.
I have to say with no bullshit. That tone on that guitar I uploaded is a tweaked Joey preset. I wouldn't say I'm particularly new to mixing by any means but I am very new to Pod Farm. I got it like 3 days ago, so in that regard I've no shame in working off an initial preset. But I do absolutely agree with Vice//Versa and tmichell33 that all of this preset madness is getting quite out of hand. The only time I find it applicable is if your new to a specific plugin or amp modeler or something to that effect and you need a good starting point, and perhaps to get a better idea of how to mix if your new to mixing. But even if you get the presets, for some, maybe just plugin and go which typically sounds like a watered down version of whomever they are trying to emulate, but for me and perhaps others, tweaking is always necessary to fit a particular mix. Therefore making the initial preset vastly different from the end product. As I said. A starting point.
Totally agree man. It is a good starting point. Joey and Cameron (And Corey) are just good businessmen - they are taking these punters for a ride. I really hope Joey goes ahead with that online tutorial concept. That is something I would be willing to pay for, a chance to learn from the greats