Need Brutal Critiques please.

At this point, the idea of the hands of women upon me-even angry ones-doesn't sway my want to insult Jeff for the sheer joy of things.
When searching for opinions I figured what better people to do it then Nevermore fans. I have seen Nevermore countless times and Always Appreciate there Opinions. So brothers and sisters please give this a listen and let us know your true feelings! We are Allegaeon from Colorado. :kickass:

Just click this link to listen

and here is a photo of me and the guitarist from a show they did in Colorado Springs, Im on the far Left.. was fukkin awsome!



Really great stuff, man...really high quality musicianship and good solos. The sweeps are a little overdone on the first song, but they're perfect on Cower Before Me. The only problem I had was that in Cower the riff is a little simplistic and needs to be more involved rhythmically, but this is just my opinion. The bridge solo is really good, although it starts kinda stale with a basic scale. However, you make up for it a little later by doing some really great bends and bluesy lead work to give it a different texture. The blast beats are done really well, however, but the riffing is just a little too metalcore-ish for me. These are just nit-picky things and I'm just giving you my opinion on what I would've done, but that doesn't matter because I play a much different style than you.

The Weeds Will Prosper has a really good riff, and it does sound a little like Innocense Gone by Darkane but it's still good. The polyrhythms towards the end give it a nice flavor as well, but I think a simpler solo would be better than the sweeps. The sweeps are clean and nice, but less notes and more feeling would really bring out the song, imo.

I think you'll find that many people here are judging based on their own musical preferences, which tend to be less "normal" metal like this, so you're not going to really get a straight answer, even from me as well. That said, I think the level of musicianship in this band is above the heads of 99% of the people here, myself included. But then again, you asked for an opinion from people who don't play this music and/or don't have the ability to.

You'll get signed, don't worry.
I'm much more of a listener than a musician and I'll agree with some that it doesn't sound like you're breaking new ground, but this is very well done. I liked both of the songs and neither contained anything that stood out to me as unforgivable. Keep up the great work!