New Metallica album to be good?

new MetallicA interview up.

On the band's decision to waive longtime producer Bob Rock for Rick Rubin for the new album (which is tentatively due in February):

"For our own sanity, our own creative survival, we needed to work with a different set of circumstances and dynamics. So we've been stripped of our defense mechanisms, and it's been very invigorating to be challenged again. Rick's taken everything we've known about making records and completely turned it upside down."

On working songtitles:

"There's one called '19', '10', 'German Soup', 'Glass Cow', and even 'Black Squirrel'. Just names that relate to where the idea came from, like Glasgow, Scotland became 'Glass Cow'. And when we don't have anything clever to call it, we just call it a number. They're just silly working titles."

On whether the songs are punchier, four or five minutes long:

"Well, the most of the intros are four to five minutes. I don't know — METALLICA and short songs just don't go that well together. But whereas 'St. Anger' was an exercise in over-pummelling the listener, these new songs echo some of our stuff from the '80s — long, epic journeys through different musical landscapes, heavier, but a lot more melodic."
new MetallicA interview up.

On the band's decision to waive longtime producer Bob Rock for Rick Rubin for the new album (which is tentatively due in February):

"For our own sanity, our own creative survival, we needed to work with a different set of circumstances and dynamics. So we've been stripped of our defense mechanisms, and it's been very invigorating to be challenged again. Rick's taken everything we've known about making records and completely turned it upside down."

Wait, WHAT? They fired him? This interview snippet makes it sound like they're still with him and think he's great.
i just don't understand how the same people that are making these terrible songs made the first metallica albums. obviously they had a sense of quality in them, what happened to it? or more likely, what were they smoking during the first albums?

They started using vocal coaches, study groups etc.. just watch the documentary. they have tons of people telling them what they should sound like, change this... change that.. they need to just go back to the old school. hopefully Rick Ruben will get them back on track. he has them listening to their old stuff constantly to try and catch the "magic" again.

i also think the problem is that they have become rich douchebags. ::cough:: lars...
The good songs on Load/Reload blow anything on The Black Album out of the water, imho. Not that that's a particularly grand achievement, but I really don't understand people that are like METALLICA DIED AFTER THE BLACK ALBUM LOLZ, that album is basically just as wussy and watered-down as Load and Reload and with less adventurous songwriting.

The Black Album had good songs like "The god that failed" and "My Friend of Misery" which were slower, melodic, very experimentalish, and new at the time for what they were doing. Metallica were still doing metal with the Black Album, the Load and Reload albums were Metallicas attempts to change into something different, Alternative radio rock... which was very dissapointing. I remember reading an interview with them in guitarworld1995, were they stated they were done with metal, they didn't fit in the new grunge scene with their metal, and that Hammet was sick of playing guitar solos.
Yeah, they're writing everything themselves with no one telling them anything except Rubin dropping in every once in a while to give them some advice.
They have renewed energy they (and Dr. Towle) knew would burst on the album after St. Anger plus a new, amazing bass player to spice things up and make a change. They're back to the old method of James writing lyrics, recording riffs and making the final decisions and Lars helping to arrange the songs, only with the others contributing their own stuff to the mix and everybody deciding whether something's good or not. Kirk is playing solos again, and even James does a few times. Lars' awful St. Anger snare sound is gone and they're experimenting with some new stuff, like 12-string guitars and weird drumkits. To top it all off, their last tour was pretty damn good.

I don't know about you guys, but I'd love to hear what they can come up with.
Indeed Godhead, James wanted control of the band back.

On working on the band's ninth studio album with producer Rick Rubin:

"Rick has, obviously, a very different way of doing it. Everything about him is about the vibe, how we play with each other, how we connect to each other. He couldn't give a . . . [damn] what the individual sounds are like, or how perfect."
"You know, when you get a little older, you get kind of set in your own ways. It's good when the safety net and that whole thing is stripped away from you."

"Certainly compared to the last record, there's a lot more dynamics and different shades — fast and slow, heavy and lighter. It's more progressive and nuttier, and the songs are longer and have lots of crazy guitar solos."

"We actually enjoy being in the same room a lot more now than we did five years ago, and we're making a record now without any sort of hand-holding. It's all good."
when you hear someone talk about a coming record it can be pretty decieving. i dont know if they are going to include the two songs that´s been available on youtube on the new record , i´ve heard them deny it, saying that the songs isn´t representative for the record, but anyways if they produce such shitty songs it´s a pretty clear sign that they have stagnated completely. the songs on st anger are what i would like to call "lack of inspiration songs". a band that releases such a record can never release a good record again
when you hear someone talk about a coming record it can be pretty decieving. i dont know if they are going to include the two songs that´s been available on youtube on the new record , i´ve heard them deny it, saying that the songs isn´t representative for the record, but anyways if they produce such shitty songs it´s a pretty clear sign that they have stagnated completely. the songs on st anger are what i would like to call "lack of inspiration songs". a band that releases such a record can never release a good record again

I'm willing to give the new record a shot. They're saying all the right things. But that's a lot easier than doing them. I'll hold out hope because it feels better than being pessimistic.
that article basically states "YOUR MUSIC IS SO FAST, IT MUST BE AMAZING"...yikes. Metallica is done.
That was a pretty dumb remark.

a band that releases such a record can never release a good record again
I disagree. If you ask me, Hypocrisy's Catch 22 was just as bad as St. Anger, yet they released a good album (The Arrival) and even an incredible one (Virus) since then. A band can have an uninspired album yet something happen to it to rekindle the spark.
Almost undoubtedly, but I'm intensely curious as to what flavor of blow it will be. Metallica's recent history is like, the best trashy reality TV show to ever exist. I have to get this album.

Hmm, so kinda like 'I love New York 2' ? :lol: