New Metallica song

This whole "grooving, winding, annoying guitar-tone" sound they have nowadays is absolutely disgusting. Get back to blast beats and straightforward 3 or 4 chord in your face dark riffing. It's obviously what the fans want, and it's obviously what they're incapable of reproducing in the studio - yet their live shows are 90% made up of the Black Album era and backwards.
It is very incomplete as far as a song goes.
It sounds better than St Anger, more along the lines of the Load era material.

Honestly though, it is trendy to bash Lar$, but musically James is the weakest link in the band these days.

I wouldn't make a conclusion yet based on this performance. Remember how "Harvester of Sorrow" first sounded when they played it live at Monsters of Rock? The final product was leaps and bounds above the live version.

Let's face it. It really doesn't matter what this band does anymore. If you hate them now, you are going to continue to do so regardless of the quality of their new album. I am a fan, and will buy the album when it comes out (Though I am not expecting to be blown away).
It doesn't sound bad. It sounds like a mold of all eras of Metallica. When my brother walked in the room and heard it playing, the first thing he said was "this sounds like Metallica," and of course whether that is a good thing or bad thing, at least this time around it does sound like Met, rather Slipknot or something in that sad vein. I will be interested in hearing the studio version, considering all the parts of double bass in the song that Lars just can't perform live. or at all. This sparks an interest in me, at least.
I have a real hard time taking this band seriously these days. nuf said. thanks for the link though.
Dark One said:
This whole "grooving, winding, annoying guitar-tone" sound they have nowadays is absolutely disgusting. Get back to blast beats and straightforward 3 or 4 chord in your face dark riffing. It's obviously what the fans want, and it's obviously what they're incapable of reproducing in the studio - yet their live shows are 90% made up of the Black Album era and backwards.

You know, even though I agree with you about the guitar tone, i have to disagree on everything else.
First, they ALWAYS play stuff live out of almost every album , second, wtf are u talking about blastbeats??? Metallica never did blast beats as far as I remember.
I am holding off judgement. For me it comes down to this... Was it SUPPOSED to sound like that? Or is that the best they can do based on the number of times they've played it together, the mixing, and James' voice.

It doesn't sound the greatest, but that doesn't mean the song will suck on an album. Hell, I still think that Once in a Livetime proves that James LaBrie doesn't lip sync -- I thought he sucked on that album!

Since I'm already in "benefit of the doubt" mode, I will toss another out there. Some songs are good in concert but suck on an album, while others suck on albums but are incredible in concert. That could affect this, too.

On the other hand, this track could suck... ...but as I said, I will wait for the album before deciding. :)

TBJ said:
First, they ALWAYS play stuff live out of almost every album

Which is why I said 90%. For every "St. Anger", you get "Seek & Destroy", "For Whom The Bell Tolls", "Sanitarium" and "Master of Puppets", etc.

TBJ said:
second, wtf are u talking about blastbeats??? Metallica never did blast beats as far as I remember.

Yeah, agreed on that one, blastbeats was the wrong term to use. I just want to hear the thunderous snare and bass drum roar of a song like "Fight Fire With Fire", you know? Anyway, that's more along the lines of what I meant.

Not horrible.

What a shame that saying that about a Metallica song is praise nowadays. The band that for a long time WAS metal personified is now just a punchline.

This song is okay, but not very exciting. Then again, it is so hard to judge this band objectively, considering what they were and what they are now.

Steve in Philly
I agree, the song isn't that bad. Much better than their crappy last album. I am so glad I did not waste my money on that one. I'm basically done with Metallica, I will stick to their old stuff...
This is one of the few times that when people ask me "Are you buying this album as soon as it comes out?" I will reply "No. I'm gonna be downloading it and not paying a cent for it. And happy for doing so." LOL