
Feb 4, 2002
METALLICA's KIRK HAMMETT: Our New Stuff Sounds Like MESHUGGAH!! - Aug. 30, 2002

In what may or may not have been intended as a joke, METALLICA guitarist Kirk Hammett and drummer Lars Ulrich have compared some of the group's newest compositions to those of MESHUGGAH, HATEBREED and ENTOMBED.

The following are the duo's most recent postings to the "Jump In The Studio" section of the band's official web site:

Kirk Hammett (08/29/2002 3:52:00 PM)
"So we came in today and we were working on the song Du Jour when [webmaster] Niclas walked in with the new MESHUGGAH CD. We decided to stop what we were doing and throw it on because every motherfucker at Ozzfest kept on telling us how kick-ass they were. When we heard it, we were shocked to find out how similar it was to our new material, even the 8 radio songs we have. I love MESHUGGAH! Right now the entire HQ smells like spray paint because James is graffitting our roll up door with the scary guy. We have a four-day weekend coming up and for me it is all about surfing, riding horses and playing guitar. Oh, by the way, I was just kidding about the 8 radio songs..."

Lars Ulrich (08/29/2002 5:26:00 PM)
"Hey, it's Lars checking in on the way out. We had a nice ugly day in the studio. Lots of nastiness and misery. I'm psyched! BTW, I think Kirk's MESHUGGAH comparison is a little limiting. I hear shades of HATEBREED and ENTOMBED in there also. It is really starting to come together, man. The couple 2-3 things we've been working on this week, we've taken a few steps further than the earlier stuff, and it feels a bit good. We are gonna chill for a long weekend, so we will catch up on the sick shit and despair on Tuesday again. Y'all be good, c-ya in a bit, THE ELF (aka Lars)"
is it possable that they have actually drifted back into reality ???
i mean ... still , they compared there last 2 albums to bands that i really thought didn't come even close to ....
but .... this is a Big statment ... you don't just Compare your sound to MESHUGGAH lol .....
Then again , i'll be still less tempted by there words , i'd rather hear it myself lol ....
don't know about it ... but i think maybe Jason had lots to do with it before he left ...... Just a thought ...
Who's playing bass on the new album? Cos I read on the site that they didn't get a bass player in because they don't want a stranger involved in the recording process as James, Lars, Kirk and Bob have formed a special relationship over the last 12 years. Or something.
:eek: Theres no way Metallicas new stuff will sound anything like Morning Star by Entombed, Metallica have never shown that level of aggression, even in the 80s.... (I dont mean to say that they were at all bad because of the level of aggression, but I cant see them reaching Entombeds level....)

Im prepared (and would be happy) to be proved wrong though :)
Sydo: Meshuggah is very technical 7 string heavy metal, they have some REALLY bizarre time signatures and on their new album they used 8 string guitars (im not kidding!)

Entombed latest album is pretty much God Hates Us All crossed with older Slayer.

I always figured Entombed were a thrashy/deathy band with cookie-monster vocals and avoided them like the plague. It's quite sad the number of bands I've done that to.
They actually used to be Spiffy, thats why i avoided them too, but I downloaded some tracks for Morning Star and the vocals are fine, tis rocking :)
Yeah, I heard Bob Rock was playing Bass for Metallica in the studio. But maybe that is only for the demo's or something ?? Pretty weird if he played on the album as well.
It's also kind of strange having one of the greatest metal bands of all time comparing their sound and songs to lesser known bands. I thought it was mean't to be the other way round !!
Spiffy from Entombed get Mornig Star, Uprising and Same Difference, Same diff was a death bands attempt at Hard rock and is fucking good IMO you would do yaself a favour to get it. Also To Ride Shoot Straight and speak the Truth iss bloody good, that is when the vocals started to become clearer..wso that is my what to buy of Entombed's so i wanna see that ya bought at least 1 album of this list next week OK :mad:
well ya better write that list down and report back...and soon DAMMIT!! :mad:

and that goes for you too spawny for the ones yiou don't have..hell you trusted me on Morning star didn't you?? :D
I have Wolverine Blues as well, and I bought Morning Star before you did silly :lol: