New Metro Society CD (with Corey Brown on vocals) now available at The Laser's Edge


Dec 31, 2003
Hi all,

Just wanted to post that the new Metro Society CD (featuring Corey Brown on vocals) is available online through Ken Golden at The Laser's Edge (

Just wondering if anyone has heard any of the music yet and if anyone had any thoughts (good or bad).

I personally feel that this is some of the best recorded vocal work I have heard Corey perform. He sounds amazing.

Here is the description from the site:

"Metro Society is a new project put together by guitarist/keyboardist
Chris Mangold and bassist Ian Ringler. The duo had the foresight to
bring in the great Corey Brown on vocals. A Journey Through Paris is a
concept album based around two characters that travel through the
Parisian Metro subway system. This is prime prog metal a bit in the vein
of Redemption, Prymary and even some Rush. The highlight is the
sprawling 18 minute "Lost In Paris". Plenty of good crunch that seems to
build through out. A promising start for a new band."

We are working on setting up distribution through some other contacts as well that should be familiar names to those on this board.


Ian Ringler
Metro Society

p.s. Sorry for the SPAM.
This is news to me. After Magnitude Nine's last album, suddenly everyone in that band seemed to split up and take on other "projects". Still waiting on when the next Section 16 record will get released, and no word yet on what Balance of Power are doing since I last heard that Corey was their new singer.

But thanks for the update. I'll check this band out.
Thanks for the comments and yes please check out the Metro Society stuff. We'd love to hear what you think about it.

As far as Section 16 goes: we took last year off and hopefully we'll start things back up this summer.

In regards to Magnitude 9: I'm not the spokesperson for the band but I believe that Mag 9 may have run its course.

Now regarding Balance of Power:Well...all I can say is "amazing"! You'll see what I mean. ;)

Ian Ringler
Ian-- the new album is GREAT-- To me, I could hear Corey sing the phone book and I would be happy-- Between Psycho Drama, Section 16, M9, Redemption, and now Metro Society we have heard him sing about every style-- the heavier, darker style of MS adds a whole new dimension to his voice.. what a great album!
Many thanks for the interest in the CD.

Again, any fan of Corey Brown should not be disappointed by his performance here.

I do have an update on the CD:
The CD is now also available through Lance King at
and through Zane at
as well as previously mentioned Ken at

I believe that Teri may have played a track or two on her show on Seismic Radio as well. Just wondering if anyone heard the tracks and any feedback they may have.

I have been chatting with Corey and he is VERY excited about the upcoming appearance of Balance of Power at the BAR Fest. He is also anxious to get back to ProgPower USA some day to perform as well.

Thanks again,
Ian Ringler
Metro Society