New metuhl clip...s2.0 need some help with the mix!


Apr 7, 2006
Hey guys, haven't posted a mix in a while. i want to know how you guys are feeling about this clip. I don't have monitors and am only able to mix off of some Senheiser HD 465's...which seems to be really affecting my mixes. Stuff will sound good on those headphones and sound different on a friends speakers or in my car. So...all the help I can get is appreciated!

I've already determined the drums are too loud on speakers compard to my phones. Any other advice?

The mix sounds weird o_O kind of nasal overall. Its need a lot more fullness and more dBs, at least in my opinion :p
Thanks for the input. I have a strong case of studio ears, especially in my headphone only situation.

Edit: now that you say that, i can see what you're saying. I think its probably due to the patch. It sounds good on palm mutes, but on open stuff it's a bit nasally.