New mix from me! (6505 guitars)

been recording 3 songs for this band for almost a year now on and off.....madness

drums are programmed this time, superior 2 with other samples blended in on the kick and a little bit on the snare. toms are s2.0.

guitars were reamped through my 6505 with the marshall cab and tubescreamer.

bass is podfarm

kind regards

ill upload the full song when i have sorted out the vocals a bit more
Cheers joe!

the cab was just a standard 1960B with g12t75's. its quite a different sound to v30's but I think it suits some bands.

its strange with this mix, I was having real trouble getting it to gel and couldn't figure out what it was - turns out it was the bass. I just concentrated on getting the bass to sit with the guitars and then it all fitted together much better. the bass settings were something like bass at 9 o clock, low mids 9 o clock and high mids and treble quite high, which sounds a bit crazy but thats what sounded best....the sansamp pedal on the pod sounded great when used with the amp on those settings.

haha and with the clipping, yeah went a bit onholy on the mastering. the final one won't be that loud.....
Cheers jeff! I wasn't too sure to start with with the guitars as I was in a rush to reamp before going back to uni. Pretty happy actually with them now, although I did eq them a little.

Still didn't get round to changing any speakers around - got 3 1960's all with g12t75's in them! Think I'd prefer to buy a mesa cab first...
Yeah, the guitars definitely need to come up, but from what I can tell they sound great, as do the drums! As for the vox, well, I can now say I've heard a guy actively attempting to destroy his larynx ;) But mixing wise they sound good!
Yeah, the guitars definitely need to come up, but from what I can tell they sound great, as do the drums! As for the vox, well, I can now say I've heard a guy actively attempting to destroy his larynx ;) But mixing wise they sound good!

haha the irony with the vocalist is...

last time I recorded him I thought his vocals sounded MUCH better, but he wanted to do them in a different style like on this song to PRESERVE his voice.

crazy man haha but whatever works for him I guess

Cheers for the comments guys, definitely given me more confidence with this guitar sound.
Hahaha, whatever works indeed, though personally I can't say I'm fond of how it sounds (very hardcore). And on another listen, the snare and kick really sound fantastic; what'd you use?
kick began life as superior 2 kick, though only a little bit of it is present in the final sound. its got a TAMA kick sample blended in (from the ddrum4 module), as well as trusty kick5z3 of steven slates collection :)

the snare is one of the superior 2 snares (can't remember which one....maybe the ludwig?), theres quite a lot of that snare in there with a bit of slate snare 15 (z3 and z4) and a tiny bit of that "nickleback" snare sample that I believe is from the bob clearmountain sample set. Snare reverb is courtesy of freeverb, and perhaps a plate (can't remember).

glad you like it dude!
Cheers guys - really glad you are digging it.

Toms are completely "dry" as in I have just left them as superior processed them. I may have used a compressor on the tom bus just to shape them a bit.....can't remember.

Can't remember tubescreamer settings - nothing crazy just turned drive and volume untill it sounded good.
nice tone with the G12 75Ts mate!!! since loading mine with the V30/75T combo i aint recorded anything with the 75s!!

agreed with the guitars being brought up, may help to take the clickyness away from the kick, there sjust that little too much IMO the snare is very nicely crafted though!