New mix has the potential to blow (my) mind, with some help from YOU!


New Metal Member
Feb 24, 2012

Hello everyone, I'm just getting into recording/mixing/etc.. here is my latest mix, I did all guitars with pod farm and programmed the drums with EZ drummer cymbals and a couple steven slate samples. I recorded vocals with a blue bird condenser just going direct in then put some eq and compression. I feel like I'm doing everything like.. not how you're supposed to.


When I render my mix down to an mp3, it is SO MUCH QUIETER in volume than any professional song, it sounds like it's lacking bass and everything.. idk, tell me what ya think please!
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Yup it's definitely down, is it louder in the program before you actually mix it down or is it the same? Just quiet... You should take a look at and follow this to get your mix sounding right, always keep it in the minus and stick a limiter on it.

What I usually do is put a rough limiter on the project and mix it, take the limiter off and bounce it then run it through my mastering project which is set up and ready to go.
some of the instruments need their own space, breathing room. there is too much high end, i think. the vocals are either too compressed, or lack proper punch. im not a pro though, what you have sounds better than my mixes.

i looked at your other post and it seems like people are bringing up the snare sound. to me this is right, it sounds out of place, and even rhythmically a tad annoying. i think if you go with what you have, just tweak the minor things, that people have been giving feedback about, and then just polishing up, you got a good mix.