New mix, having difficulties


May 9, 2007
Hi there,

I mixed a new song but I have a problem.
The mixdown keeps comming out TOO different.
For instance; When I mix in cubase and have the sound comming through my monitorspeakers it sounds good and I make a mixdown.
Then, when I listen to it over my pc speakers the kick is way too WH0B WH0b and the guitars back up.
I tried getting bass out of the kick, making room by altering the bassguitar but I'm still not satisfied.

Maybe you guys can have listen and give me some advice ?
The song is called Full working crack.
Recorded with a toneport and Superior 2

where is the love?
You probably have issues with your monitoring then. You might want to add some bass trapping to your room. Buy better monitors, optimize your listening position, get another set of monitors for a second reference. Getting things to translate on all speakers is always hard man! For what it's worth your track sounded prety good to me though it hard to tell from myspace. Maybe there's a little bit too much bass on the guitars.