New mix! Nearly there! Very Counterparts-Esque

I didnt enjoyed listening to it... very annoying in my ears
it has no mids at all... and the high are annoying in the guitars , drums and VOCALS

bring some mids and lows to even out the freqs...
good luck :)
Scooped to fuck and very digital. The drums don't sound like drums to me...
Either your monitors are broken or you mixed this with very tired ears, I usually end up with this result if I sit for too long without taking a break. You boost some treble and say to yourself "Oh that's crisp!". Then you sit for a while and your ears adapt and then you add a little more treble. Repeat infinite number of times.

But definitely has potential! Like the material!
There's still wayy too much scooping on it, bring down the treble too! The music sounds tightt though. Who is this?

Thanks man, bring down the treble on anything particular?

Its my good friends band. They're called Spires

Also just found out, they're playing with Liferuiner tomorrow and I'm going to record the Liferuiner vocalist doing some guest vocals on this track! SO STOKED :D
on the good way but you can do more! It sounds like when I mix on my "every day" headphones. Try to listen to it on a shitty pc's speaker, it will boost what is wrong ;)
sounds good but i personally think the mix could benefit from bigger kick/snare. but other than that it sounds good
sounds good but i personally think the mix could benefit from bigger kick/snare. but other than that it sounds good

Its the drummer man, he loves the kick/snare tones : /

thanks though!

Dude nice! If you removed some noise from the rhythm guitars this would sound even better.

Thanks brah. I've already got 4k sucked out and i've got a low pass to 12k
I'm talking 1600 Hz area! Pull em back a little that way :) Dude this sounds so sweet though. Can you hook me up with the final product>>

Oh I see! I'll give that a go :)

Yes mate no worries, I'll pm you when its finished. You like the band?

Just trying to the mix as perfect as I can before I go track Liferuiner's vocals tomorrow