New mix NEED CRITS!!!

Mix sounds dip, drums are tight, bass could be a bit basier but thats a personal pref, but it's tight. Master seems to clip just a little toooooo much. Not bad though, seems like it could be just a tad to overdriven into your master.
I think the "overdriven" part your talking about is where the effects crash in and sound distorted? Because as far as that goes, that was intentional. I kept checking my master plugins and reducing my gain so that it didn't clip but if those fx aren't what you're talking about I'll check them again.
Drums are too loud, especially the snare (not the first time i mention that in this forum ^^). I agree with jdolese about the master distortion. The distortion is a bit too overwhelming for me on the bass drops parts. I also feel that the cymbals are a bit harsh, could be because of distortion or some nasty freqs, they sound a lot like Changos cymbals so that maybe is a good thing in this genre XD
I was semi going for a changoish mix for this band hahaha I thought it fit.
I was semi going for a changoish mix for this band hahaha I thought it fit.

It does dude! I love it just still sounds kinda clipy haha.

But like i tell everyone

If you are intentionally doing something and people are like "Shit dude i can't listen to it cause it's clipping like crazy" Eff them dudes, because to be in this business you must be creative. Like when people complained about Structures mix, everyone made a huge deal about the clipping, but it was intentional. Creativity will get you much further than the "Books".
Oh yeah but I looked into it and the drops were adding some weird not pleasant sounds so I fixed that, but with the cinematic fx I was going for that distorted boom kinda sound, like born of Osiris' machine. I thought it fit well for the feel, but I did fix the weirdness of the drops. As for the snare and the bass low end, I'll definitely look into making those sit better in the mix! Thanks guys!