New Mix - The Darkness That Consumes Me (Instrumental)


Darkened Dreams Studios
Dec 30, 2009
Little Rock, Arkansas
www, Hatred - The Darkness That Consumes Me (Demo).mp3

Thought I would upload this. Been doing some experiments recently and, before the RAM in my computer went bad this week, which led to replacement and also me reinstalling everything from scratch.. I had rendered this track from a REAPER session which I no longer have.

[Back your shit up people, can't stress this enough. I will learn one day..]

Drums: SD2.0 Avatar - Kick blend with Despised Icon Kick from here, Snare is a blend with Ryan Mills Snare, The Destructor I think it was - good set of kick and snare samples.

Bass: ZomBass 1.0 Kontakt Instrument from here, think I used the Seth Munson Dirty tone. Awesome VST, well worth the money if you're only doing single-note breakdown shit following the guitars.

Guitars: Ibanez RG Series into Roland Edirol UA25EX Interface > Guitar Rig 5 for Noise Gate > TS808 > TSE X50 > Sneap Edge Impulse > EQ

Synths/Electronics: All Absynth 5 including the electronic drums. Printed each instance of the synth and processed from there, bits of distortion, EQ etc. There is one track of guitar that sounds like a synth which is heavily processed with Guitar Rig 5's bit crusher/slicer/delay stuff, blended in too.

Master chain was something like GGain > S1 Shuffler > Deft Compressor > Mid/Side EQ > C4 > Elephant - can't remember exactly.

This was going to have some voiceover/vocals from myself and my girlfriend but short of importing the mp3 into a REAPER session and doing this then re-exporting, I am not sure if I want to go that route.