tech death instrumental


Nov 22, 2008
Linz, Austria
this is the new song of my band Tumor: new 3_25 with reamps_14.mp3

rythm guitars are single-tracked, they were reamped through a rocktron vendetta by lolzgreg (thanks greg!)
we tried to doubletrack it but our playing was not tight enough to make it sound better with two tracks:erk:
there is no bass and no vocals, because sadly we don't have a bassplayer and a vocalist at the moment
drums are erkans cymbals, a snare from the mapex snares pack, and a kick sample named "brain kick 4" (i don't remember where i got it from, does anyone have an idea?)
apart from the usual lo- and hi-cuts i compressed the cymbals and i also applied parallel compression to the rythm guitars
the snare was already pre-processed but for some reason i liked it better with a little bit of blood overdrive on it
lead guitars are my sansamp psa1, not reamped, apart from eq, there is an automated delay and reverb on it
i slammed spectralive vst and a limiter on the master track

i would be happy to hear your opinions
any advise is welcome
You really did play super tight dude! The Rocktron doesn't like sloppy players and apparently you're not sloppy! You only played the rhythm part once? You're telling me that each side (L and R) are the same takes? They don't sound like it to me.
my man Phil is the KING of tech-death guitar playing, no fucking joke. can't wait until we can post some of his stuff up.

anyways, i fucking dig the song. the mix however, is not too good at all. it's great for a demo or something just to lay the foundation of the song, but...

anyways, GREAT playing,
thanks for your opinions, it's nice that i got so much feedback

ok, the drums and the mix could have been better, the question is, what can i do to improve them? is it the just the tone of the drums, the choice/processing of samples, or is it the actual programming?
i don't necessairily need some sort of quick fix for this particular mix, as this is indeed just a demo song for myspace, but we'd like to do live gigs and perhaps an album or something with sampled drums in the future, so therefore i would be grateful for any suggestions on how to make it sound better
what different samples/patterns/processing could i use?
what could i try when i make my next song from scratch?
i'd say you really need to invest in Superior 2.0 if only for it's OH/Room sounds. But, I think you'd get a TON of improvement over using these one shot samples.

It's almost impossible to do snare rolls and stuff using a one shot kind of snare sample and make them not sound ridiculous. I think with a small investment in S2.0 and possible the new Metal Foundry Expansion (which has AMAZING fucking cymbals/oh/room sounds) your stuff would be perfect.

Hope it helps dude! Get those drums sorted and work from there my man!
Thats some tight riffing.. but sadly as people already have pointed out the drums ruin it and the overall mix dont really fit smooth together :)
But nice chops, I could sure as hell not pull that off hehe
i will happily re-program these drums for you, run them through S2.0 and mix it if you want, for free, because this is fucking sickeningly good
yeah Dodo, would be great if you could do this
reamp my drums:p
i'll send you the raw tracks and the drum midi
please tell me what you do exactly,
if thats comprehensible for me, and the end result sounds good i'll definately consider investing in SSD myself
wow really good stuff! personally I'm in the works of a similar style project, hopefully I can post a preliminar mix sometime soon too.

You double-tracked that?? that's some super tight playing man, I can't believe you couldn't quad-track it (not like it needs it anyway), and that mix is sooo begging for a bass track to fill it up. do you happen to have the song tabbed in midi, gp or something? I would be more than happy to accept the extreme challenge of tracking the bass for you If you don't have anybody. what do you say? oh and I'm a vocalist too, just mentioning
my man Phil is the KING of tech-death guitar playing, no fucking joke. can't wait until we can post some of his stuff up.

anyways, i fucking dig the song. the mix however, is not too good at all. it's great for a demo or something just to lay the foundation of the song, but...

anyways, GREAT playing,

hahaha... Thanks for the kind words charles haha. not like you don't hear me play everyday.