New Mix To Critique


Aug 29, 2009
Clermont, FL
Hey guys, give me some thoughts and criticisms for this mix if you would be so kind. Here's a basic rundown of the production elements if anybody is interested.

- Live Cymbals (Spaced pair overheads and spot mics for hat and china)
- MIDI shells (Slate)

- Fender Telecaster Custom with EMG 81/85
- 6505 head through Avatar 4x12 boosted with a TS7. Single SM57 pointed at dustcap seam.

- Cheap ass Ibanez passive bass tracked DI
- Processed with Sansamp PSA-1 and Pod Farm bass driver

- Tracked into an AKG Perception 220
- Chain : SSL Channel - De-Esser - Rvox - De-Esser - L2
In headphones right now but it's sounds awesome dude. Guitars seem a bit fizzy but I think that's just me :p Great mix and good song btw.
guitars are indeed fizzy. and the kick seems a little programmed to me. it still sounds pretty big though. good work overall.
Thanks for the replies! I'll have to work on that fizz issue I suppose. The master is Waves SSL Bus Comp - C4 - L2 - Ozone 4 in that order.
nice mix!

Try the vocals (specially the "sing" part) a little bit down, like 2, 3dB. Maybe not so much.

Thanks for the replies! I'll have to work on that fizz issue I suppose. The master is Waves SSL Bus Comp - C4 - L2 - Ozone 4 in that order.

is it EVER ideal to go above 3db reduction while using compression? just curious about what you did here because the compressor sounds pretty transparent. your clean vocalist is really good by the way.
is it EVER ideal to go above 3db reduction while using compression? just curious about what you did here because the compressor sounds pretty transparent. your clean vocalist is really good by the way.

Yeah dude it's not uncommon to go above 3 dB of reduction. I tend to have the SSL bus comp sitting around 2-4 dB of reduction, the L2 taking off another 2 dB, and the Ozone limiter doing the rest. This wasn't my band either, just one I recorded. You can check them out on facebook here:
ok thanks. i normally just use that as a rule of thumb never to go above 3db. it starts to sound pretty choppy if i do.