New mix to slate


Amiga Enthusiast
Oct 30, 2003
Nottingham, England.
After some help from Black Neon Bob (thanks a lot man) for getting some more dynamics in my mixes, I decided to fuck about with a backing track for the grand conjuration by opeth. No guitars as my amp is fubar at the mo lol, This is the result

Can anyone give me some tips on how to get some more dynamics into it, i already know about working the velocities in dfhs.

Thanks in advance.
Listened to both files... compared to the original, you have more ambience on drums, the kick is too loud (especially obvious in some parts) and you need to work on that hihat pattern some more. Basically, these more complex hihat parts played with finesse are the hardest to program to sound realistic. Play with the velocities some more (listent to where the accents are in the original and leave only those hits at full velocity; the rest of them should be softer (some much softer))...